Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Reflections on Truth and Breaking down the Myths: Sexism in America and Women Struggle for Equality

When I searched for him and asked people about his whereabouts, absolutely no one would tell me anything, nor did I not know if he dead or alive. Not even the police department helped me and I believed some of them knew where to find him. Although, my son does not like to talk about what has happened to us, I know he believes me now.


Making me suffer for some un-nameable or imagined crime appeared to be on the harassers mines. Had I committed a crime? No. However, they appeared to want to find something to justify their wrath toward me, and since I have not committed a crime they would try to create trouble for me which brings us update.


I read an article in the AG Newsletter that drug people are dangerous, but I know that standing up against them is the only way the combat what they are doing. The illegal drug sell here is a big issue with them and I believe they are apart of the gang or group youth and adults who are running a ring in this immediate area. Although it appears quiet out there, it is not and I can hear to boom-boom cars as I write. I do not believe they have stop selling or using illegal drugs. I believe that others who are a part of their group are carrying on where they have stopped. In addition, they are still very active in trying the cause me problems on my job and elsewhere within the city. This brings up another problem that I believe needs be brought into the light, privacy among friends.


The privacy of my home family and I is almost non-existence. Our lives have been exploited all during this situation, and even a simply and enjoyable conversation with a friend has become material for misused. However, one evening a friend and I weretalking about the celebrities that we liked. This friend likes certain blonds’ actresses and singers, as do I. My friend knows who I like, and the two of us compared who we liked the most and why.


A very innocent conversation to me; however, our conversation was overheard by an unknown individual or individuals who took what we discussed and turn is into a racial situation. They twisted the truth and circulated a lie around town that has been circulating off and on for these past six years. Their horrendous act has had an ugly effect on some of female I come in contact and many of these women I do not know. This is just how bad these women have been manipulated. What these women were told, I am certain that I do not want to know either.


Nevertheless, one must also keep in mind that this city is a racially charged community and that over the last ten years it has had its share of racial conflict within certain areas of the city. Some youth seem to want me to believe that the city is trying to punish me and that parading multiple blond female in my presence wherever I sought help from the police department and/or other authority figures was hurting me in some way.

As I stated early this display of blonds occurred off and on for six years, and it took half of the first years for me come with an answer as to why people I did not, do not know would present themselves to me whenever I was seeking help. I did come up with two answers and both are terrible, but I believe after six years of this behavior from total strangers that one or both of my answers contain the seeds of truth.


The first answer is that I, a non blond and black to boot, could never get help from the authorities here or elsewhere unless I turned white and blond. The second answer is I could never have a white male lover unless I was and here it again, white and blond. In truth, both answers stink, but what am I to think after seeing this behavior repeatedly and only when trouble was brewing or thought to be brewing.


What do I believe? I believe that as long as I, and the others who are being harassed directly or indirectly (third party) these individuals, should continue stand up for ourselves and not drive these harassers towards civil justice to answer for their crimes. I, for one, intend to keep continue help from the authorities no matter how aggravated the situation. 

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!