Monday, February 27, 2006

BGS Downloaded

Hello everyone,


Evelyn here,


I was invited to join a Xena Warrior Forum and I am glad that I did because I can post entries to other diehard Xena and know that I conversing with someone who is just as wild about the show as me. It does not appear to matter that the series have been off for years. We have great fun and learn what is happening with the stars and other Xenites sites.

However, one of the entries that I post was more of a review of Lucy Lawless official come back to the small screen series on BSG. Below is a portion of that review. Enjoy!



D’Anna Biers vs. Xena Warrior Princess


I never saw BSG from it beginnings as the miniseries, but I will catch up. To be honest, I heard that Lucy Lawless would be on the show last season and I have been a fan of it since that time.


I love Lucy as D’Anna Biers or 3 and yes, she does detest 6 and Sharon for their inherited human emotions. I never saw BSG from it beginnings as the miniseries, but I will catch up. To be honest, I heard that Lucy Lawless would be on the show last season and I have been a fan of it since that time.


Lucy as the evil Cylon, 3, is a controlled evil Xena.  D’Anna does have not the mania evilness that made Xena evil. However, after seeing her challenge Starbuck’s missing lover and then getting herself killed for the effort, I believe that when she is “downloaded” again, she will be one pissed off, vengeful Cylon hot on the trail of Sharon and 6. What is number 6’s name?


I recorded the episode and watched it twice. I was intrigued by thefact the on the Cylon world of Caprica many of the Cylons appear to of four molds. I saw several same four characters, Sharon, D’Anna, 6 and the male Cylon. Seeing so many in the same scenes freaked me out a little, and I kept thinking spare parts ready for download.


I also find it interesting that after a very emotion encounter with a human a downloaded Cylon is very emotional and feels intense love, anger, and what I think will be D’Anna driving emotion toward finding and then “boxing” Sharon and 6, intense hate. As it is D’Anna, thinks of the other two women as flawed machines who think of themselves as humans.


It seems that number 6 and the vice president, Dr. Gaius Baltar, are the ying and yang of the other. Both are weak without the other.


It is also interesting to note that after an intense encounter with humans the Cylons are now two groups -- those who love and regret destroying of humans, and those, like D’Anna, who want to destroy everything not Cylon.


Enough for now, but I will not miss episode of BSG’s third season. I want to see how well D’Anna develops as a character as oppose to Xena.




On further reflection, this series also had a strong religious bent where the Cylon believe in the "ONE TRUE GOD" (one can assume that one true God is of Christian origins). While the Battlestar crews believes in multiple "god", who are more like the Greek gods.


In addiction to the well portrayed D'Anna/ Number 3 subplot, I did not like President Roslin stealing the half human/half Cylon baby and then leaving the parents think their child had died. This twist in the plot will in itself sparks much interest from viewers of it fate. How its eventual returns to its parents the affect that will have on the humans of the Battlestar Galactica and the Cylon nation as well is of great interest.


Battlestar Galactica Cast:

Edward James Olmos .... Commander William Adama
Mary McDonnell .... Colonial President Laura Roslin
Jamie Bamber .... Captain. Lee Adama (Apollo)
Katee Sackhoff .... Lieutenant. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)
James Callis .... Dr. Gaius Baltar
Tricia Helfer .... Number 6 
Grace Park .... Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)/ Sharon - reincarnated Cylon
Michael Hogan.... Col. Paul Tigh
Lucy Lawless.... D'Anna Biers/ Number 3


Evelyn out.


Female Pilots Prove To be Skills Combat Fighters

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

Today is my 55th birthday, and I am not sure what I feel about this advance age.  I only know I feel just the same as I did a year ago.  Heh, heh. heh!  Anyway, I spent part of the day with my son.  We went to Bennighan Restaurant for lunch. The food was great.  I had the O' Baby Back Ribs and he had a Hugh Fried chicken sandwich, but before that we ate a atpetier of cheese sticks, eggrolls and hot wings. It was great food.  We   laughed a lot and just had  good time together.  .

Since my return home, I have been searching the web for interest stuff to read. 

Off Topic! 

Speaking of stuff, Terry Talbot had a new song named "STUFF".  The song is kind of silly and speaks of all the stuff we cram into our lives simply because we think we either need it or want it. However, the  real question or message is about making room the Jesus.  Don't forget Jesus while we collecting all that "stuff" that we can only use of this earthly plane and not in Jesus heavenly plain. 

Back on track!

Like I stated before, I have been searching the web for interesting stuff to read, and as I was surfing, I came across an interesting article that is featured in today's Washington Post.  It is entitled, "Female Pilots Get Their Shot in the Iraqi Skies; Men Say Women Are Proving Skills in Direct Combat" by Ann Scott Tyson.

Evelyn out.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Dear Abby

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

Recently, the above Dear Abby article was in the St. Petersburg Times which is one of our major newspapers here.  The article deals with domestic and dating violence. Since many of the links I have provided here are aimed at stopping such violence, I have posted this issue of Dear Abby on my blog in the hope that it will be helpful.

I was saddened by the fact that the article dealt with the issue Of domestic and dating violence occurring to millions of women  on Valentine's Day.  Such violence acts against women are terrible at any time, but knowing that it happens on this sweetheart's day is depressingly sad. In the article you will find this toll-free phone number to the National Domestic Violence Hotline -- 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE). The number for the hearing disable is 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). 

You can also login at

Evelyn out.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Hooligan - A Criminal Mind At Work

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

It would appear that there is still someone out there who have a thing against free of speak and freedom of expression.  Or, they simply dislikes the truth being told.  Whatever the case, I have this to say that someone: 

You attached my car today while it was in the parking area of where I am employed. 

I think you are trying to pressure me into not writing.  Sorry, I can not comply to the threats of any kind.  However, I have been known to call the police department, and I did call the them this afternoon, and I will do it again if there is anymore defacement and/or damage to my car.

I do not care who you are; you are just hooligan and a criminal to me and the rest of the public. The sooner you are found, the sooner the rest of us can go on with our lives.  You are just a coward who has never been able to face me,  but you who think intimidation will work. Sorry, you just made is situation worse for everyone.

In addition, do not try intimidating or using my co-workers. That will not work either.  It like I started early -- you are hooligan and you just made the situation worse for everyone.

Evelyn out. 



Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Diehards!

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a brief for all diehard Xena fans who like me are starved by the lack of seeing our hero on the small screen each week. Hey! Prepare yourselves because -- she's back. Well, not as Xena Warrior Princess, but her real life counterpart, the international acclaimed actress, Lucy Lawless is returning regularly to television. We who love her no matter what she is doing on the screen are more than ready for her up and coming 10-episode arc on Battlestar Galactica, which starts this Friday, February 24, 2006 in the episode “Downloaded”, on the Sci-Fi Channel. You can check your local listing for a scheduled time. 

Lucy is playing the Cylon covert spy D'Anna Biers, and the show promises us a view of the Cylon world in this third season, which begins shooting in April.

Recently, I saw a commercial with Lucy as D'Anna from this coming episode of Battlestar Galactica (By the way, great hair cut). As her D’Anna character, I saw a brief glimpse of the old Xena demeanor. The way I see it, if Lucy can carry that portion of her old character over into D’Anna Biers, this 10-episode arc will be dynamite.

I also checked out some of my old favorite Xena websites, and the boards are alive with the news. 

Lucy, you've been missed!

Evelyn out.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Skinny Pink Paycheck Syndrome by E.J. Graff and Evelyn Murphy

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here.

While viewing the site of a new found friend, I discovered this link to an interesting article on women who work and/or compete for what traditionally has been thought of as male orientated jobs. The article goes into some familiar stereotyping of women positions in the America's workforce and some of the discrimination tactics women have faced and are stilling facing when applying for traditional male orientated positions.

The article makes it clear that this is not a isolated phenomenon but one that can be traced from one end of continental America to the other. The article target jobs of firefighters and police officers as the largest offenders against female applicants, and how women are either excluded from the hiring process or made to go through strenuous physical testing above that which is normally required of a male applicant.

The Skinny Pink Paycheck Syndrome 

By E.J. Graff and Evelyn Murphy
EVELYN MURPHY, the former lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, is founding director of the WAGE Project. E.J. GRAFF is senior researcher at the Brandeis Institute for Investigative Journalism and mo

February 12 2006

THE NEW YORK TIMES recently profiled San Diego's Fire Engine Company 22, almost certainly the only all female firefighting crew in the United States. It was inspiring to read about four competent, hardworking women happily succeeding in a "man's job."

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,6636706.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions

Also, see "Gender Barriers Impede Progress of Women Firefighters"
By David Crary, The Associated Press on the Truthout website at

I consider these articles high on my "must read" list.

Evelyn out.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

From the Attorney General's newsletter News Briefs

Hello everyone.

Evelyn here,

The following is from this week AGNews the  newsletter of the Florida's Attorney General Charlies Crist.  I place it here as the informative message that it is and not as an personal endorsement.

Over the past week, the Attorney General’s Office has won two court
rulings that will go a long way to ensuring that important decisions
continue to be made by those in the best position to make them.

First, late last Friday a federal court ruled that the 2005 Florida
Parental Notification of Abortion Act is constitutional and can be
implemented as intended by the Legislature and the people of Florida.

The law was enacted just months after the voters approved a
constitutional amendment to require that parents or guardians be
notified whenever an underage girl planned to have an abortion. The
amendment and the implementing law are based on a very simple premise:
If parents must be notified when their children have their tonsils
removed, they certainly should be notified when a daughter is
considering an abortion.

Recognizing that Florida’s constitution grants certain legal
protections to minors, the amendment dealt solely with notification,
not approval. It means parents should be allowed to play their proper
and traditional role by advising their daughter based on their
assessment of what is in her best interests.

Under the amendment, parents can help a girl evaluate the medical
risks and the physical and psychological consequences of her decision,
as well as the quality of the medical care she would receive. All of
these are important considerations.

In upholding the validity of the law, the federal court allows Florida
parents to help their daughters with this life-altering decision. And
it allows the will of the people of Florida to be carried out.


Evelyn out.

Buyers Beware!

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

but only for a brief time and with another “Buyers Beware!” message. As you know, I purchased my first new car last month. Well, in order to do make the purchase, I had to rent to car from what I thought for years to be an up stand rental outlet, Enterprise Car Rental here on the lower Southside of Saint Petersburg. All this occurred on January 28, 2006.

Let me say that I am very displeased at the treatment I have received from this company. When rented the car, I was asked to put down a $300.00 deposit or max out my credit card, which I did want to do. Therefore, in good faith I used my debit card for the amount. I had the car less than six hours because I was able to purchase my car and take it of the lot the same day. 

Since the rental car was turned into the Enterprise rental lot on the same lot as the car company who sold my car, I believed that the cost of my having the rental car for such a short time would be subtracted from my deposit. I also believed in good faith that the Enterprise car rental would return the remainder of my deposit to my account on Monday and that it would be posted no later than Tuesday on my account. No such thing happened.

What actually happened is that the car rental company sat on my the balance of my deposit until I called and tried to make the attempt to inform them that not only has they not refund the balance but I had incurred a overdraft charge to which they are responsible for creating.

First, when I asked the manager where the car was received and checked in about the car, I was told that they had received the car on Saturday January 28, 2006; again, the car was received less than six hours after it was rented out to me. The latest I was to have the car checked in was Monday January 30, 2006 at 7:30 A. M. The receiving manager then told me that he rented the car out to someone else on that Monday. No mention of returning the balance of my deposit was mention by him.

Once I brought the subject up and told the receiving manager in Brandon that I have been waiting for the remainder of the deposit to credited back to my checking account, and that I,  in not know that the money had not been refunded made some purchases on Tuesday, January 31, 2006. I informed him that I made those purchases with the thought that his company had refunded the funds no later than that previous Monday, January 30, 2006, since that was the original date set for the car return.  He hung up on me.

Second, I then tried to contact the manager where I originally rented the car here in Saint Petersburg, and I got a someone other than the manger who informed me that they did not know have the car and that they were going hold onto my money until they received the car.

I no longer wanted to speak to this person. Because even after giving her all the information she needed to look up the where about of the car and see that by holding my the remained of my deposit they had cause me to have this overdraft, it came to me that she was not interested and that she had not even looked up anything. According to her, they (Enterprise) were going until to hold my money until they received the car and saw its condition.   

I made certain that both the manger in Brandon and the Enterprise employee here in Saint Petersburg knew that I had purchased a car that Saturday which totally explain why the rental car was in Brandon and not here that Monday morning. 

Third, I waited to speak to the manager of the Enterprise here in Saint Petersburg, and once she was on the line, I explain to her as I had to the manager in Brandon and her employee that I turned over possession of car with key and a copy of the paper when I purchased my car. I informed her that I had driven the car a purchased home with the notion that everything was fine and that the rental company would refund the balance of my deposit no later than that Monday. 

I was told by the manager here that they were sorry and that they truly did not know the car was. 

Now all this conversation with the two Enterprise managers and the employee occurred on the same day, Wednesday, February 01, 2006. The Same Day.

The manger at the Enterprise in lower Saint Petersburg informed me that she would return my deposit balance that same day. She made no mention of making good of the overdraft.

Finally, Thursday, February 02, 2006, I had a doctor’s appointment, which I kept. However, before going to the doctor’s office I called the car rental company and asked that a print out of the refund be made for me and that I would pick up after my appointment.  A receipt showing that my refund was given to me on 02/01/2006 after my talk with the Saint Petersburg manager. However, when I again mentioned the overdraft, the manager said “I sorry about that”.

I concluded that either of the Enterprise personnel members was interested in making good on the overdraft when it was clear to me that they held deposit balance.

A lot of thing stands out in this situation.

1. I should never have trusted that that large amount of money would be refunded without my present. I took it on good faith that the refund would be done no later than that Monday because that was the latest date for the rental car’s return.

2. The rental car was in the possession of the rental company less than sin hour after my renting it and the computer print out of the receipt show that fact to be true. The branch here in Saint Petersburg seemed to overlook that fact, and made me wonder whether they had even looked at their computer for the trail of the car, which would have told them that I turned it in early in Brandon. The manager knew I was going to Brandon and that I was looking to buy a car.  She knew because she asked me why I needed the rental car.

3. Not one person working at those two Enterprise branches care about the overdraft, or that they had held my deposit balance and not refunded that Monday. They held it a whole five days and did noting until I called. 

4. On Tuesday February 07, 2006, a non-threatening letter was sent (I mailed the letter myself) politely asking the car rental company to make good on the overdraft. The data I have shows that they are responsible for the overdraft, and one employee had admitted that they were holding the refunding until they had the car back. To date, neither the attorney who sent the letter nor have I received a reply from the company or a check for the overdraft.

Unless Enterprise had drop the reimbursement in the mail, this is where the situation stands today. 

I am in the right and I will not give up on this. In addition, I believe someone; I do know bywhom,someone had tried intimidate me from the time I brought my car home on the January 28, 2006. However, I have no idea as to whether it was related the refund and now my wish to be reimbursed for the overdraft. All I know is that I had problems using my bankcard. It was temper with in some way I do not understand. My balance was incorrectly posted, and I incurred more charges when there was money in the account.  I believe someone or more than one person was trying to intimidate and/or control me over a matter as simple as a reimbursement of a $30.00 overdraft.

The bank had since made good of the charges and I feel better about it, but the car rental company, I totally have no understanding of their actions.

To say that I am unhappy about this turn of events would a great understatement, but I intend to see it cleared up.

Buyers Beware!

Evelyn out!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

From Xena to Cylon - Lucy Lawless Takes Recurring Role.

Hello  everyone!


Evelyn here.


Besides being a Xena's fan. I am a great fan of the actress, Lucy Lawless, who portrayed the character. 


I thought this article, "Lucy Lawless on Playing the Purest Cylon", might interest some of you. I have seen most of the roles LL has played in since the end of her series, and to be frank, not one of those roles, so far, had reached the level of Xena Warrior Princess. However, as a fan, I look to see her in stronger roles in the future. Maybe this continual role on Battlestar Galactica, which begins with the series' third season, will lead to such a role.


A special note to the LadyK:


I admit that I took the liberty to review and read some of your articles on your site, and I must acknowledge that you are an impressive writer. I feel a little honor that you notice and commented on my little Rome plug. Shameless, I know, but I am a fan of the show. I hope you enjoy this article on Lucy. The link to the site is below.


Evelyn Out!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

JMT Conquered BT's Audience

Hello Everyone.

Evelyn here.

I am back with a brief review on the John Michael Talbot "Monk Rock" concert at Blessed Trinity Church a few hours ago. As you know, I was part of the choir who sung backup for Mr. Talbot. It was a wonderful concert, and JMT, his older brother, Terry Talbot, and Tom Booth put on a concert that lived up to my the every boastings, and I have been singing their praises (no pun intended) since I heard the first announcement for the concert back in December.

It truly was a great and inspiring performance filled with a lot of audience participation. I will write more on this later. I also have more pictures to add. 

Evelyn Out.


Today's The Day!

Hello everyone!

Evelyn here,

but only for a brief time. I came home for a quick rest before having to prepare the tonight's concert. Yes, yes and yes!  The long awaited John Michael Talbot, Monk Rock, concert at our parish is tonight. I am so excited that I am half choked with emotions. I have practiced for these past two months, I feel more than ready.

Today, promises to be a Christ filled night of spiritual music arranged and sung by John Michael Talbot, Terry Talbot of the Mason Proffit Band, and Tom Booth. The others choir members and I are looking forward to meeting Mr. Talbot and singing with him. You can not miss us we will be the large group dressed in black.

If you did not get your tickets there are still some available at the door and the in gift shop now and tonight. 

Well, I need my rest. We will see you tonight.

God Bless!

Evelyn out!


Saturday, February 4, 2006


Evelyn here,

Just when I thought that no television series would ever have a lasting impression on me as the Xena Warrior Princess series, along come HBO’s Rome. I watched the series debut episodes, and I was instantly captivated by it. The plot of Rome is intriguing, ruthless, and gives the audience a frontal view of pagan Rome as never before scripted for the small screen. This is not Granny’s Shakespeare, girls and boys.

I have provided a link to the shows website. The actors are super and this show had all the elements to keep it captivating to its end, which hopefully will be some years down the cable network's road. Season two begins in March. However, for those who missed the first season, HBO will be running it prior to the start of the new season.   

Evelyn out.

John Michael Talbot



On  02/12/2006 John Michael Talbot will be giving a concert at our parish.  Performing with Mr. Talbot are Terry Talbot, Tom Booth and The Mason Proffit Band. I will be among the 50 plus member choir who will be singing backup for him.  The ticket are still on sale. For more information contact the parish office at  (737) 867-3663.


Blue Bella

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I have been very busy these last two weeks. First, let me say that I am now the owner of a 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser. Blue Bella (yes, I named her) is Electric Blue Pearl in color like the stock photos shown. She is my first new car, and I am grateful to own her. 

For the last seven years, I have been either walking or busing my way around town. However, my life has become more active, especially in the last year. Walking and busing was not going get the job done anymore. I needed more personal and timely transportation.

The weekend prior to getting BB, a group of us in the choir went up to Leesburg, Florida to visit old friends and former choir members. Later that evening we all went to St. Paul, church there and heard William Pitcher perform. He is a great organist. The organ he played gave a new mean to the old saying "one man band". 

We all have a great time and I took some pictures that preserve the evening to memory for years to come.

Back home, we have been rehearsing for the John Michael Talbot concert, which is less than 10 days away. We are a large choir of nearly sixty singers and when we sing together, I swear I can understand the songs of the angels. The sound we produce is just that beautiful. I am so please to be a part of it all.

God bless you,

Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!