Hello everyone,
Evelyn here,
Today is my 55th birthday, and I am not sure what I feel about this advance age. I only know I feel just the same as I did a year ago. Heh, heh. heh! Anyway, I spent part of the day with my son. We went to Bennighan Restaurant for lunch. The food was great. I had the O' Baby Back Ribs and he had a Hugh Fried chicken sandwich, but before that we ate a atpetier of cheese sticks, eggrolls and hot wings. It was great food. We laughed a lot and just had good time together. .
Since my return home, I have been searching the web for interest stuff to read.
Off Topic!
Speaking of stuff, Terry Talbot had a new song named "STUFF". The song is kind of silly and speaks of all the stuff we cram into our lives simply because we think we either need it or want it. However, the real question or message is about making room the Jesus. Don't forget Jesus while we collecting all that "stuff" that we can only use of this earthly plane and not in Jesus heavenly plain.
Back on track!
Like I stated before, I have been searching the web for interesting stuff to read, and as I was surfing, I came across an interesting article that is featured in today's Washington Post. It is entitled, "Female Pilots Get Their Shot in the Iraqi Skies; Men Say Women Are Proving Skills in Direct Combat" by Ann Scott Tyson.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/26/AR2006022601382.htmlEvelyn out.