Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Democrats Win Landslide Victory"?

From: Steve Hildebrand, <>
Subject: "Democrats Win Landslide Victory"?

Evelyn --

Deadline: Midnight Tonight You'll like this.

This morning someone forwarded me an email sent by the arm of the Republican Party that raises money for their Senate candidates.

The subject of the message was "Democrats Win Landslide Victory," and the writer, Republican former Senator Bill Frist, admits: "I have a real fear of waking up to this headline after the elections this fall."

He goes on to explain fears among Washington power brokers about Barack Obama's grassroots support and voter registration efforts.

He's right to be worried -- we're bringing new people into the process, and Obama supporters are organizing in communities across the country like never before.

But it can't happen without your support. Frist was raising money ahead of tonight's financial reporting deadline -- the same deadline we face.

This is the last opportunity to have your donation counted for May, and the last chance to have a meaningful impact on the final three primary contests.

Make your donation of $25 count right now:

Here's a little bit more from Frist's email:

From: Senator Bill Frist, M.D.
Date: Thu, May 29, 2008 at 3:59 PM
Subject: "Democrats Win Landslide Victory"
Dear Republican Supporter,
I have a real fear of waking up to this headline after the elections this fall. [...]
In key states, news accounts indicate Democrats are outpacing Republicans registering voters. We also know Barack Obama's campaign is utilizing the Internet to raise record amounts of money to supporthis campaign and Democrats nationally ... all in the hope that new voters and record resources will produce a Democrat landslide victory this fall.
There's so much at risk, and conservatives I talk with from all across the country are feeling the rumblings of "what could be." [...]
[...] I ask for your immediate help in supporting Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate by making a contribution of $10, $25, $50 or even $100 to the NRSC. [...]

What's amazing about this message referencing Barack Obama is that it's not from the McCain campaign. It's not even about the presidential race.

It's about the forces of the status quo, who don't want to change the way Washington works, worried about the prospect of ordinary people taking their rightful place in a political process that is too often dominated by lobbyists and special interests.

They've seen the writing on the wall, and they know that when Barack is the nominee, we're going to continue building a movement for change to elect Barack Obama and bring about change from the bottom up at every level of office.

There are only a few hours left before tonight's reporting deadline, so please give whatever you can now:

Thank you,


Steve Hildebrand
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America



Paid for by Obama for America

illegal dog fight

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest issue of the Attorney General Bill McCollum's Generally Speaking. Today issue is on illegal dog fight.

Bill McCollum
Attorney General

News Release

Date of release: May 28, 2008

Attorney General McCollum & Humane Society of U.S. Announce Program to Combat
Animal Fighting

TALLAHASSEE, FL— Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum and The
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) today unveiled a cooperative
initiative to combat animal fighting in Florida. The Attorney General, the
Florida state director for HSUS and members of local law enforcement and
animal services communities gathered at the Capitol to announce a reward
program for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person
involved in illegal animal fighting.

“Animal fighting is a violent crime that at times is associated with
illegal gangs, drugs, firearms and gambling, and I am pleased to announce
this reward program as an important combative tool,” said Attorney General
McCollum. “Florida will have no tolerance for people who abuse animals for

Animal fighting, defined as fighting between roosters or other birds
or between dogs, bears, or other animals, is a third-degree felony in
Florida, punishable by up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines
per count. The new reward program, which will offer up to $5,000 for
successful tips, will be funded by HSUS.

“Floridians are fortunate to have a champion against animal fighting
in Attorney General McCollum,” said Laura Bevan, Florida state director for
The HSUS. “We're proud to partner with him on this important program to
help put animal fighters behind bars.”

National statistics show dog fighting is a highly organized criminal
industry with more than 250,000 dogs placed in fighting pits each year. The
HSUS estimates that nationwide, 40,000 people are involved in organized dog
fighting and an additional 100,000 are street-level fighters. Authorities
investigated at least 25 cases of animal fighting in Florida in 2007 –
literally from one end of the state to the other, with open investigations
from Pensacola to Key West. Hundreds of dogs, birds and other animals were
found dead or injured.

Statistics have also shown persons involved in animal fighting are
frequently associated with other crimes. In a three-year study ending in
2004, Chicago police found that 59 percent of people involved in
dogfighting were known gang members and nearly all of them - 86 percent -
had been arrested at least twice. There was also a marked correlation
between animal fighting and crimes against people. The Chicago Police
Department noted that of the 300 people arrested on charges of animal
fighting, 65 percent had also been arrested for violent crimes against

Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell, past president of the Florida
Sheriff’s Association; Richard Ziegler, Director of Leon County Animal
Control and past president of the Florida Animal Control Association; and
John Calhoun, Director of Animal Services of Tallahassee were also on hand
to unveil the reward program and praised the HSUS for launching the program
in Florida.

Winston, a dog rescued in a 2007 Tallahassee dog fighting
investigation, was also present at today’s announcement. According to the
Humane Society, Winston’s former owner, Venice Giliam, recently pleaded
guilty to 10 counts of animal fighting and four counts of animal cruelty.
His sentencing is next month. Winston was believed to have been used a
“bait dog” because of his injuries and because he was separated from the
other dogs found at the residence.

Animal Fighting Reward Program Instructions:

If you have information about illegal animal fighting in Florida, you
may call The HSUS at 202-452-1100. Additionally, The HSUS and Attorney
General McCollum are pleased to partner with the Florida Association of
Crime Stoppers (FACS). Crime Stoppers programs offer the ability to remain
completely anonymous and still be eligible for a cash reward. A list of
Florida’s Crime Stoppers organizations can be found on the FACS website:

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest
animal protection organization - backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one
of every 30. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for
the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on
programs. More information is available online at

Photographs from the event are available online at the following links:$file/IMG_0954.jpg$file/IMG_0973.jpg$file/IMG_0942.jpg$file/IMG_0941.jpg


Evelyn out.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2008 Election and The Catholic's Voice

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Much is being said about this 2008 election on the many of the polical websites. Whether the candidates are running for a chance to win the Republican, the Democratic or an  Independents nomination for the presidency,  the websites are filled with timely reports of what is happening with the candidates, their opinions, and the results after each primary race.We have read them. We have  watched and and now we can hear what Catholics are saying.

American Catholic - Election 2008

Evelyn out.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Message Advisory  - Attorney General McCollum's bi-weekly audio message available online            


Date: May 21, 2008

Subject: Attorney General McCollum's bi-weekly audio message available

Attorney General Bill McCollum's bi-weekly audio message is available today
online. Below is a link to the current audio message.

The audio message provides Attorney General McCollum with another avenue to
communicate his commitment to priority issues within the Attorney General’s
Office. The message will also be included in the Attorney General’s weekly
newsletter on corresponding weeks.

- - -

Attorney General Bill McCollum’s Bi-Weekly Audio Message - May 21, 2008

I’m Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

This Sunday, May 25th, is National Missing Children’s Day, and together
with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, my office is
participating in the annual Take 25 Campaign.

This campaign is designed to encourage parents and guardians to take 25
minutes to talk to children about safety. In today’s tech-savvy
environment, CyberSafety is one of the most important aspects of keeping
our children safe.

Parents, nothing is more important than having this conversation with your
children. Every day, 77 million children use the internet, and of those
ages 10-17, one out of every seven will be solicited over the internet for
sex. One of those children could be your own.

I invite all of Florida’s parents, guardians, teachers and other adults
with children in their lives to take 25 minutes to talk with those children
about staying safe online. More information, including tips for parents
talking about internet safety, is available on my SafeSurf website at

Please join us as we continue working to protect Florida’s children.


Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

Yesterday, I attempted to post a message from NoiseOFF about the success on Sarasota getting a new ordinance that allows their police officers to impound boom cars.  The message was twenty one pages as an email and four entries long on this site. It didn’t quite fit. However, software and web programs being unpredictable at times the posts went a little haywire.

Nevertheless, I and many other NoiseOFF members have joined to congratulate Sarasota on passing the new ordinances, which will help to stop and keep all boom car drivers silence. We on the Pinellas side of the Bay have added to our prayers to the hope that our officials will soon see the wisdom of passing such an ordinance here.

In steady is a message from Roger Drouim on just what breaking Sarasota new law will mean to those who have not quite gotten the idea that their loud motorized boom boxes are not welcome.



By Roger Drouin
Published Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.

SARASOTA - This is the most costly place in Florida to blast your stereo, with a
new law that gives police the authority to impound cars if they can hear the
tunes from 25 feet away.

City commissioners also decided against letting first-time violators off with a
warning, after Police Chief Peter Abbott told them that maintaining a database
of warnings would be nearly impossible.

Instead, first-time offenders face a $74 fine for violating the city's noise
ordinance, and a $125 towing fee to get their vehicles out of the impound yard.

The law, approved by commissioners on a 3-2 vote, goes into effect immediately.
But there will be a grace period. For three months, people who break the noise
ordinance will simply be warned about the new impound law, and officers will not
tow their cars.

Some residents applauded the tougher law.

"We live in a residential neighborhood, and it's all the teenagers with their
stereos turned loud," said Robert Levine, who lives near the intersection of
Bahia Vista Street and McIntosh Road. "But it's the bass that is the problem.
Turned all the wayup: boom, boom, boom."

Levine said the bumping stereos have kept him awake at night, and that the
city's existing noise ordinance is not enough of a deterrent.

Commissioner Fredd Atkins voted against the law, saying it would lead to
discrimination against black residents in his north Sarasota district.

This year, police have issued 16 of 22 noise citations given citywide in the
north Sarasota district that Atkins represents.

"I am trying to figure out why are we trying to impound their cars and put more
financial strain on these people during the worst economic times," Atkins said.
"It is excessive and punitive to the group of people already living under the
strong arm of the law."

People who violate the noise ordinance a second time would have to pay a $250
fine in addition to the $125 impound fees, which increase if a vehicle is not
picked up in a few days by its owner.

Third violations would incur fines of $500 and impound fees.

At Monday's meeting, Police Chief Abbott told commissioners that issuing $74
citations for loud stereos has not worked to get people to turn down the volume,
and he thinks towing their cars will finally get the attention of repeat

"We gave over 200 tickets last year and the problem hasn't abated," Abbott said.
"If the tools we had worked, we wouldn't have an issue here."

Commissioner Kelly Kirschner had voted for the new law when it included a
warning for first-time violators.

After that provision was dropped, he voted against it.

Sarasota is one of several cities to tow cars for misdemeanor offenses and the
only city in Florida to impound cars for loud stereos.

Kirschner said he is worried the ordinance will open the door to lawsuits
against the city.

"I have a problem with Sarasota being the guinea pig on this one," Kirschner


News video of Sarasota being allow to impoundment of loud cars


Evelyn out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Breaking News

It was all predicted.
----------------- Breaking News:

Barack Obama wins Oregon Democratic primary, AP reports.

For more information...

TOTAL NUMBER OF DELEGATES: Obama is 85 delegates away from Democratic nomination with many of the superdelegates going his way.





OBAMA         1,941

CLINTON      1,772




MCCAIN        1,334

HUCKABEE     278 Out of the race.

RON  PAUL     14

What we just achieved

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The following email is Barack Obama campaign site about tonight primary elections results.

Barack Obama <>
Subject: What we just achieved

Evelyn --

The polls are closed in Kentucky and votes are being counted in Oregon, and it's clear that tonight we have reached a major milestone on this journey.

We have won an absolute majority of all the delegates chosen by the people in this Democratic primary process.

From the beginning, this journey wasn't about me or the other candidates. It was about a simple choice -- will we continue down the same road with the same leadership that has failed us for so long, or will we take a different path?

Too many of us have been disappointed by politics and politicians more times than you can count. We've seen promises broken and good ideas drowned in a sea of influence, point-scoring, and petty bickering that has consumed Washington.

Yet, in spite of all the doubt and disappointment -- or perhaps because of it -- people have stood for change.

Unfortunately, our opponents in the other party continue to embrace yesterday's policies and they will continue to employ yesterday's tactics -- they will try to change the subject, and they will play on fears and divisions to distract us from what matters to you and your future.

But those tactics will not work in this election.

They won't work because you won't let them.

Not this time. Not this year.

We still have work to do to in the remaining states, where we will compete for every delegate available.

But tonight, I want to thank you for everything you have done to take us this far -- farther than anyone predicted, expected, or even believed possible.

And I want to remind you that you will make all the difference in the epic challenge ahead.

Thank you,

Barack Obama



Paid for by Obama for America


Evelyn out. Breaking News Breaking News:

Hillary Rodham Clinton wins Kentucky Democratic primary, AP reports.

For more information...

============================================================ Breaking News Breaking News:

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) says he has a malignant brain tumor, AP

For more information...

Monday, May 19, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update dated May 19, 2008.


LOW CLASS, DETESTABLE" - Senator Obama, speaking to Robin Roberts on ABC's "Good Morning America," warns Republicans against trying to make Michelle an issue: "The GOP, should I be the nominee- I think can say whatever they wanna say about me, my track record. I've been in public life for 20 years. ... If they think that they're gonna try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful. Because, that I find unacceptable. ... The notion that you start attacking my wife or my family - you know, Michelle is the most honest, the best person I know. She is one of the most caring people I know. She loves this country. And for them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her I think is ... just low class. And I think they - most of the American people would think that as well. I would never think of going after somebody's spouse in a campaign. And for - especially for - people who purport to be promoters of family values ... o start attacking my wife in a political campaign, I think ... is detestable."

Senator Obama has his largest crowd to date - 75,000 people in Portland, Ore., according to city authorities -60,000 inside the gates and 15,000 outside the gates.

The spoilsport Portland Oregonian puts the number watching from outside at a mere 12,000.

Asked at a press avail in Milwaukie, Ore., if he's given up on Kentucky, which also has its primary Tuesday, Senator Obama said: "No, I don't give up on things - we have got to make choices. And I can't be everywhere at once. "


In addition, the notion that Obama will not win over Kentucky today has floated  in my mind for a few weeks. Because I did not want to appear pessimist, I kept the thought to myself.

Now, I discover that the idea was not mine along. Yet, one must look for a bright side in any situation, and let in a little hope. Because as conservative as Kentucky can be, Obama has made an expression on a surprising number of unlikely voters so might be a sliver of hope for Obama in the Bluegrass state.

Evelyn out.

NoiseOFF Entries - On Confronting Law-Breakers and Re: Fw: Poor people?

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Regardless of a few errors in grammar, my messages, On Confronting Law-Breakers  and Re: Fw: Poor people?  were posted on NoiseOFF.  To respond to these issues or another issue you must register with NoiseOFF. 

Also, the edited versions of these articles were posted on my site yesterday.

Evelyn out.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

For A Noise Free Florida

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with more of the NoiseOff and the FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicle. The following are reply to the earlier message.

A word of cautious, and in reference to “Poor people”. Be highly suspicious of anyone who wants to narrow crime down to one particular race or gender. Crime has no color and many colors. Our objective is to stay on topic and not be drawn into petty and worthless debates, which only purpose is to create confusion and dissension among those of us wanting changes our current law(s) to prevent further crime and to better protect all citizens of Florida.

Evelyn out.


Subject: [noiseoff] Digest Number 1527
Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)

1a.  Re: FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicles Posted by: "Judy Ellis"   taichijudy Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
Aimed at poor people?

How many poor people do you know with 16 subwoofers in an Expedition?

Mr. Adkins needs a little education. Go get him!

----- Original Message -----
From: BanBoomcars
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 11:25 AM
Subject: [noiseoff] FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicles

Sarasota Florida police will be allowed to impound Boom Cars under a new
noise ordinance. They realize that tickets are not effective at solving the

A boom car thug in the FOX video has a $16,000 car stereo and has received
70 tickets - he continues to violate the rights of everyone within blocks of
his car.

Ron Czapala

FOX news video:

Re: FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicles Posted by: "Peter"   allreet Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
Oh yeah the new law targets "poor" people?

I can't even afford $16,000 for a whole car, and this nincompoop spends that much on his stereo.

BanBoomcars <> wrote: Sarasota Florida police will be allowed to impound Boom Cars under a new
noise ordinance. They realize that tickets are not effective at solving the

A boom car thug in the FOX video has a $16,000 car stereo and has received
70 tickets - he continues to violate the rights of everyone within blocks of
his car.

Ron Czapala

FOX news video:


Re: FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicles Posted by: ""   jp2spidey2000 Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
"minorities and poor people"????? 16,000 bucks?? i can't afford that and
i'm not poor.....

congrats again for all the hard work down there in FLA.

hope GA starts enforcing these laws.

Fw: Poor people? Posted by: "Judy Ellis"   taichijudy Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
Email sent to Mr. Ignorant Atkins today. The previous Fox interview with Chris (My Momma Loves Me) Prince was attached.

----- Original Message -----
From: Judy Ellis
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 3:24 PM
Subject: Poor people?

How many 'poor' people do you know with 16 subwoofers in the back of an Expedition? I've been studying 'boomers' for four years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the average one is an 18-25 year-old with some disposable income. That's a fact.

Take a look at the attached video from another tv interview on this subject. What color is that kid? And where did this 'poor' little tyke get $7000 to put into his car? Watch him stare right into the camera and tell the world that a $70 fine isn't enough to stop him.

Sir, if a neighborhood is 80% black, then most of the boomers are black. If the neighborhood is 80% white, most of the boomers are white. The people who pay the price for this anti-social and obnoxious conduct are white, brown, red, yellow....

We who suffer pounding hearts and throbbing heads and elevated blood pressure and absolutely awful adrenaline-generated fits of aggression and ruined communities and relatives who are in high-risk emergency vehicles don't give a DAMN what color the boomer is, or how much money he makes, or anything else about him. WE JUST WANT HIM TO STOP!

Here's the point: They instituted impoundment in Peoria and the problem went away.

Now, what's your question?

Judy Ellis
Noise Free Florida

More on motorcycles Posted by: "Judy Ellis"   taichijudy Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
So the owner of our local motorcycle shop thinks that the laws for speeding should be aimed at rehabilitation, not punishment. I think a $1000 fine is sufficient motivation for self-rehab, don't you?
This bill is aimed at cars as well, but when's the last time you saw a car doing 50 mph over the speed limit on a public roadway? On our highway that's 115 - an exceptional speed for a car but just about normal daily activity for a lot of cycles.

What thisarticle doesn't tell you is buried in the photo caption. I have a lot of clients in a mobile home park adjacent to Quaker Steak & Lube; every Wednesday evening is a living nightmare for them - the noise of these hogs coming and going has ruined their lives.

Bill puts brakes on speeders
By Jared Leone, Times Staff Writer
In print: Saturday, May 17, 2008

James Franzolino, 24, center, and Wac, 28, left, hang out at the Quaker Steak and Lube in Pinellas Park on Wednesday night. "I like my license. I like my life. You can't outrun a radio," said Franzolino.

Excessive speeding. Stunt riding. A disappearing license plate.

If you're a motorcyclist caught doing any of that in the near future, get ready to open your wallet. The same is true for automobile drivers caught speeding more than 50 mph over the speed limit.

Under a little-noticed bill (HB 137) overwhelmingly approved by the Legislature and headed to Gov. Charlie Crist for approval, excessive speeders would pay $1,000 for a first offense, starting Oct. 1. The penalty used to be a $250.

The legislation is the brainchild of state Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, R-Miami, who said he was inspired while riding with the Florida Highway Patrol.

He saw groups of bikes cruising at speeds as high as 136 mph. He saw a motorcyclist pull a wheelie while speeding through a SunPass lane. Another time, a speeding motorcyclist flipped up his license plate anticipating a chase after noticing that the Highway Patrol was following him.

Then Lopez-Cantera read a story about a motorcyclist who lost his life. His legislation targets not just speeders, but also requires that moped riders and motorcyclists keep both wheels on the ground at all times and requires bike owners to affix their license tags horizontally, not vertically as has become popular on some custom bikes.

"The problem is, a car that can perform at these speeds costs six figures, yet a motorcycle that costs $10,000 can do 200 mph," Lopez-Cantera said.

Under the bill, second-time speeding offenders could lose their license for one year and get a $2,500 fine. Third-time offenders would risk losing their license for 10 years and their vehicle would be confiscated.

Initially, Lopez-Cantera's bill targeted only speeding motorcyclists, drawing ire from the American Motorcyclist Association as discriminatory.

But even with the change to include speeding drivers of all types, Imer Szauter, who works for the association in Ohio, has questions: "Will the bill work as the sponsor intended it? I am not sure it will do that."

Area riders who joined a weekly gathering of 3,000 motorcyclists in Clearwater recently agreed.

Sitting outside the Quaker Steak and Lube on 49th Street N, Jeff Nuce, a former motorcycle police officer, lamented the law would require him to change his license tag. Nuce, 39, rode to the restaurant on the "Dark Knight," a $78,000 Batman-themed chopper with Batman logo mirrors, custom paint and Batman logo rims. It also has a sideways license plate - an infraction that would be worth a $1,000 fine in October.

"On a custom bike, it takes away from the aesthetic appeal of the bike," Nuce said. "I don't want to break the law, but when I take that off of there, it changes the whole look of the motorcycle."

Tim Hellijas, 38, rode in on a Kawasaki ZX-10, a sport bike with a top speed of 185 mph.

"It's justifiable to a certain extent," Hellijas said about the stringent changes aimed at speeders. "This thing does twice the speed limit in first gear." But he wondered if it might just provoke some riders.

Jeff Hieber, general manager of Barney's Motorcycle & Marine in St. Petersburg, one of the area's largest retailers, agrees with Hellijas' assessment.

"It is not set up around rehabilitation, it is set up on punishment," Hieber said. "Especially with a kid who just got his license. They are going to believe that running is the answer."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Boom car drives off, dragging police officer Posted by: "BanBoomcars"   banboomers Sun May 18, 2008 5:24 am (PDT)
Authorities say Balatgek had approached the driver because of loud music in
the car.
ml&storylist=penn> &storylist=penn

Motorist drives off, dragging Reading, Pa. police officer

5/16/2008, 10:10 a.m. EDT

The Associated Press

READING, Pa. (AP) - A Reading police officer was injured when a motorist he
was questioning suddenly drove off with the officer clinging to the side of
the car.

Police and witnesses say Officer Steve Balatgek was dragged about three
blocks Thursday evening before falling to the street. He was treated and
released from Reading Hospital.

Authorities say Balatgek had approached the driver because of loud music in
the car. When the officer asked for the motorist's license and registration,
the driver reached for it, then stepped on the gas, dragging Balatgek with

Police say they later found a car matching the description of the auto.
Officials say they questioned the owner but police told WFMZ-TV that the
owner claimed he was not driving.


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It has always been my concern that if allowed the families who once sold illegal drugs on our corners were again trying to cause confusion and distraction among those of us who are members of our neighborhood crime watch and our police department.  This concern has proven to be true. It has also been my concern that not all the boom car drivers out on our streets and among our children are innocent teens seeking a little fun and playing loud music. This also has been proven to be true.  It has been my concern that among those seemly innocent and fun seeking youths with their loud music are drug pushers. This has proven to be true.

The article about Lois Fisher in Freeport reminded me of myself. Like Lois, I was fed up enough to confront my neighbors after years of witnessing them selling of illegal drugs, hearing persistence their boom cars during the day, the night, and in the midnight hours. I like neither being a victim, nor being a witness to my others neighbors becoming victims. For years, we have suffered their slander, harassments, threats, destruction of property, and thievery.

Enough was enough, and to my naïve thinking, confronting these thuds seemed to only way get them to stop. My mistake, and the police officers are right. Never confront these thuds because they do not care about your discomfort with their music and you will only put yourself at risk. They will bait you into arguments, mess with your property, and attempt to lie to the police officers by accusing you of being the troublemaker. But, most of all, they will continue with their loud music for no other reason than to make you upset, and our present law is weak. This we must change.  

When dealing with these offenders do make the calls to the police department but be smart and remain safe. 


IT WAS THE THUMPING OF CAR STEREO SYSTEMS AT 3 A.M. THAT FINALLY GOT LOIS FISHER TO GIVE HER NEIGHBORS A PIECE OF HER MIND. Posted by: "BanBoomcars"   banboomers Fri May 16, 2008 3:49 am (PDT) It was the thumping of car stereo systems at 3 a.m. that finally got Lois
Fisher to give her neighbors a piece of her mind.


One woman takes aim


FREEPORT - It was the thumping of car stereo systems at 3 a.m. that finally
got Lois Fisher to give her neighbors a piece of her mind.

Fisher, 52, who lives on the busy corner of Float Avenue and Empire Street,
will often take on people in the streets during such hours, telling them to
"turn it down."

"To my husband's chagrin, I have no fear," Fisher said.

That's because she and her husband of 17 years, David, have seen more
playing out on their street than just loud music in the 2-1/2 years they
have lived there.

The Fishers have been involved in a Neighborhood Watch since last fall.
Based on the traffic, they believe that drug sales in their neighborhood
have increased. "I've witnessed the exchange of a small packet for cash,
yes, I've witnessed that," she said. "We got involved because there's
children in the neighborhood. The activity that was going on I thought was
detrimental to the children."

When they first got involved they distributed fliers throughout the
neighborhood for months, trying to get people to come to meetings. They work
with Third Ward Alderman Ronnie Bush and Fifth Ward Alderman Dennis Endress
in trying to keep the Watch active.

Dave said he's a little frustrated about not having signs up: He's heard
there are Neighborhood Watch signs for their neighborhood that have not yet
been erected.

They want them put in, he said.

"These are problems that didn't start overnight, and they don't end
overnight," Lois said.

While she gets on her younger neighbors, she hasn't done a face-to-face
confrontation yet, Lois admitted. Mostly, she'll holler from her porch,
asking them to turn down their music. "But all I have to do now is step out
the door and look at them and they turn it off," she said.

Sometimes people will stop on purpose in front of their home and try to rile
the Fishers, Dave said, by turning the music up louder or turning a pit bull

"That's what they try to do is intimidate me. I'm not going to be
intimidated, though," he said.

Stand Up

Lois said the citizens of Freeport have to do what the Fishers are doing:
Take a stand.

"Each individual person has to do it. The police department can only do so
much. I'm not encouraging anybody to be a vigilante or anything, but at
least be conscious of what's going on around you, know your neighbors know
what's going on and don't be afraid to act on it. I think that's the biggest
problem right now," she said. "People are afraid to act on it."

When they call police, particularly in the middle of the night, a lot of
police will show up, the Fishers say - sometimes the entire patrol force.
They'll break up fights and get the music turned down, but it doesn't always
end up in arrests, Dave said.

They also believe the police are watching certain homes.

"They're watching them, but still, nothing's being done," Dave said, adding
thathe knows he needs to be patient.

Freeport's Deputy Police Chief Robert Smith encourages residents to call
when they see potential illegal activity, but warns against personal

"I wouldn't encourage anybody to confront lawbreakers on their own. If they
see violations they should call the police and leave that to us. Generally
we're very diligent on sound amplification enforcement,
" Smith said.

And drug activities are being investigated all around town, Smith said.

"We have several investigations underway regarding drug sales and activity
on an ongoing basis," he said.


Evelyn out.


Evelyn here,

with a look at what happening around the state with enforcement of the noise statues. The following comes from Banboomcar at NoiseOFF.


FOX Video - Sarasota noise ordinance allows impounding vehicles Posted by: "BanBoomcars"   banboomers Fri May 16, 2008 8:32 am (PDT)

Sarasota Florida police will be allowed to impound Boom Cars under a new
noise ordinance. They realize that tickets are not effective at solving the

A boom car thug in the FOX video has a $16,000 car stereo and has received
70 tickets - he continues to violate the rights of everyone within blocks of
his car.

Ron Czapala

FOX news video:



This new ordinance is greatly needed throughout the state.

Evelyn out.

Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from today's Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update.


McCain could lose top fund-raiser in lobbying flap; Clinton-Obama financiers start merger talks



May 18, 2008 08:30 AM EST




Good Sunday morning. Mr. Meacham reminds us that Christians are celebrating Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost.

AP's Glen Johnson at 3:31 a.m.: "Out of immediate danger, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy remained hospitalized as doctors worked to determine what caused one of the nation's best-known senators to suffer a seizure in his Cape Cod home. ... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he spoke to Kennedy's wife in the afternoon and was told 'his condition is not life-threatening, but serious.' "

Politico's Martin Kady II: "News that the Massachusetts senator had been stricken dominated the cable networks throughout the day, with commentators reviewing his enduring public career. Ted Sorenson and other former aides to Kennedy's brother, the late President John F. Kennedy, offered overviews of Kennedy family history, and friends in the political world told stories from throughout his political career, spanning nearly five decades. In the Senate since 1962, Kennedy has become one of the leading surrogates for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination."

DRIVING THE DAY - Top McCain officials tell Politico that former Rep. Thomas G. Loeffler, a top fund-raiser who was named the campaign's 'general co-chair' in March 2007, is LIKELY to depart after Michael Isikoff reports on the campaign's new conflict-of-interest policy in "McCain vs. Lobbyists" in the new Newsweek:

"One top campaign official affected by the new policy is national finance co-chair Tom Loeffler, a former Texas congressman whose lobbying firm has collected nearly $15 million from Saudi Arabia since 2002 and millions more from other foreign and corporate interests, including a French aerospace firm seeking Pentagon contracts. Loeffler last month told a reporter 'at no time have I discussed my clients with John McCain.' But lobbying disclosure records reviewed by NEWSWEEK show that on May 17, 2006, Loeffler listed meeting McCain along with the Saudi ambassador to 'discuss US-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia relations.' "


Senator McCain delivers a mock address to the nation on last night's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, promising he has "the oldness it takes to protect America": "I'm John McCain and I approve this message. Good evening, my fellow Americans. I ask you, what should we be looking for in our next president? Certainly, someone who is very, very, very old."

SNL McCain on earmarks: "Most of these projects are, at best, unnecessary, such as $15 million to the U.S. Postal Service for a commemorative stamp honoring Tom DeLay's appellate lawyers. Whose idea was THAT? or this bit of pork, $160 million to the Department of Defense for developing a device that can jam gaydar."

WASHPOST 2-COL. LEAD, "Rival Camps Plan Inevitable Merger: Clinton, Obama Supporters Discuss Combined Effort to Win in November," By Matthew Mosk and Chris Cillizza: "Top fundraisers for Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have begun private talks aimed at merging the two candidates' teams, not waiting for the Democratic nominating process to end before they start preparations for a hard-fought fall campaign. ...

"[I]n small gatherings around Washington and in planning sessions for party unity events in New York and Boston in coming weeks, fundraisers and surrogates from both camps are discussing how they can put aside the vitriol of the past 18 months and move forward to ensure that the eventual nominee has the resources to defeat Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in November.

WashPost A8 on Tuesday night's Obama rally in Des Moines: "Obama advisers said Iowa is one of several states, along with Missouri, Michigan and Florida, that they have targeted for wins in November and where they plan to campaign even before his primary battle against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton ends. Obama made campaign stops in Missouri and Michigan last week and plans a three-day swing through Florida starting Wednesday."

Clinton officials plan to push back against the idea that Obama is "over the top" after Tuesday night, insisting the pledged-delegate pool must include Florida and Michigan.

Lanny J. Davis previews what the CLINTON CAMPAIGN can be expected to say on TV: "Note the bogus and hypocritical nature of Obama declaring victory on elected 'pledged' delegates while he opposed 'do-overs' by absentee ballots and firehouse locations in Michigan and Florida. Democracy is important in one venue (where it helps your chances) but not another (where it might hurt)."
***Add to your VP lists (near the top): Sam NUNN for the Democratic ticket and Tom RIDGE for Senator McCain.

A STORYLINE YOU'LL SEE A LOT IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS - Frank RICH has a drawing of atiny Senator McCain trying to outrun the looming shadow of President Bush - "McCain Can Run, But Bush Won't Hide: Imagine if Nixon had campaigned for Ford."

... Senator Clinton's sterile, clipped, pro forma statements about Senator Kennedy. After Senator Obama had appeared twice on camera to make comments of concern about "one of my favorite people," and Senator McCain had e-mailed a statement about the "legendary" lawmaker, Clinton - who was with reporters but didn't go on camera - finally put out bare-bones, 21-word "thoughts and prayers" statement.

At a later event, she said on camera: "We need a health care system that's going to take care of everybody. SPEAKING OF HEALTH CARE, we had word this morning that my good friend and a great champion of working people, Senator Ted Kennedy was rushed to the hospital with symptoms of a stroke, and our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, because he has been a champion for health care. Nobody has fought harder to make sure everybody got good health care. And I know that we all join together in wishing him well. But what Senator Kennedy believes and what I believe and what many others believe is that every American should be entitled to the same health care as your member of Congress is entitled to."

The Boston Herald cover: "TED K SCARE.'

RED SOX AND LEGAL SEA FOODS AT THE COMPOUND - The Boston Sunday Globe goes five columns, "Sen. Kennedy is hospitalized after suffering a seizure," with the subhed, "Not a stroke as first feared, his doctor says," with the sidebar, "Seizures can be sign, but long-term harm rare."

The paper also goes five columns with that grim Cape Code Times photo of Senator Kennedy being wheeled on a stretcher from a Hyannis ambulance to a waiting Medflight helicopter at Barnstable Municipal Airport for transport to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The N.Y. Times uses a shallow version 3 cols. on A21 satellite, A23 metro. From the Globe story by Peter Schworm and Matt Viser:

"The 76-year-old Democrat was talkative and joking with family members yesterday afternoon, friends and associates said. His condition was considered serious, they said, but he did not appear to be in imminent danger. 'Senator Kennedy was admitted to Massachusetts General todayafter experiencing a seizure at his home,' Kennedy's personal physician, Dr. Larry Ronan, said in a statement released last night. 'Preliminary tests have determined that he has not suffered a stroke and is not in any immediate danger. He's resting comfortably and watching the Red Sox game with his family. Over the next couple of days, Senator Kennedy will undergo further evaluation to determine the cause of the seizure, and a course of treatment will be determined at that time,' Ronan said.

"By last evening, the mood of Kennedy family and friends contrasted markedly to that of the morning, when he was stricken at his Hyannis Port compound at about 8:15 a.m., rushed first to Cape Cod Hospital, and then transported by helicopter to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. His children were urgently summoned to Boston. Telephone lines buzzed with politicians in Washington and Boston exchanging scraps of information, and television crews rushed to set up in the front drive of the hospital. ... [O]ne family associate said yesterday evening that Kennedy was alert and joking with family and was watching the Red Sox play the Milwaukee Brewers. They planned to dine on takeout from Legal Sea Foods in his room last night, the associate said."

McCAIN CLIMATE POSITION INFLAMES THE RIGHT - L.A. Times A1, "GOP struggles to reinvent without losing itself: The party agrees it must change or face catastrophe in November. But that's about all members can agree on," By Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten: "Republican strategists who once sought to annihilate McCain for his independence are now enthusiastically backing his candidacy, offering strategic advice and affirmation of his conservative credentials. They include Bush's former senior strategist, Karl Rove; and [Grover] Norquist, the anti-tax activist.

"Norquist acknowledges that McCain's approach to capping global warming emissions has inflamed some conservatives, calling it THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE DIVIDING THE PARTY NOW. More important than angering conservatives, Norquist says, is that McCain's position means 'he won't be able to draw a sharp contrast' with his Democratic opponent on this topic, and thus will miss the opportunity 'to do what Bush did to Gore: travel the coal states and tell workers that the Democratic candidate favors environmental rules that will cost you your job.' ...

"Economic conservatives believe McCain's so-called 'cap and trade' system is unworkable, violates free-market principles and would harm business interests. ... Late last week, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh castigated McCain for his 'embrace of a radical environmental agenda,' calling it a sign that the Republican Party 'is abandoning conservatism, abandoning those things and those people that made it victorious.' "

HIGH GAS PRICES COULD LAST AND/OR WORSEN - Chicago Tribune Page 1 lead story, "$4 a gallon not the end of rising gas prices: 'It's not going to be a 1-year blip and go away' ": "Drivers will likely need to become comfortable with gas at $4 a gallon, as oil experts say an era of historic pain at the pump will endure well beyond the Memorial Day weekend, when prices traditionally peak. ... Gasoline in the U.S. could reach $7 a gallon because more drivers in India and China will hit the road even as American oil consumption retreats, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce predicts. 'Millions of new households will suddenly have straws to start sucking at the world's rapidly shrinking oil reserves,' wrote CIBC analyst Jeff Rubin.

"The forces behind the oil boom include the emergence of China and India as economic powers, exhausted fields controlled by nationalized companies, and market speculation that could be pushing prices higher than supply and demand can justify. While industry insiders dispute how much each of these factors contributes to oil prices, many expect the high prices to last for years. ... Gas prices could sink below $3 a gallon this summer 'if all the stars align,' said Phil Flynn of Chicago's Alaron Trading. 'What goes up can come down a lot faster.' Though his contrarian view admittedly puts him 'out on a limb, Flynn said he expects a rebounding U.S. economy and an end to Federal Reserve interest-rate cuts to help boost the weak dollar."

SPORTS BLINK - Baltimore Sun, 133rd Preakness Stakes, "DOUBLE TIME: Big Brown rockets to a resounding win."

AP: "The 3-year-old with the perfect record heads for the Belmont Stakes in three weeks as the fourth horse this decade to try for the triple, a sweep last accomplished by Affirmed in 1978. The last to try was Smarty Jones in 2004. ... There have only been three Triple Crown winners."


Go to Playbook Now >>


Evelyn out.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boom Car Madame Spoils It For All

Evelyn here,

Tonight I have learned that it does not pay to try to do the good neighbor thing by asking the boomers to turn off or turn down their music.  On two others occasions in the last week my requests were granted, and the offending car stereos were turn off.  However, tonight it was same the old routine of insults, bad language, and threats to do bodily harm if I went to a particular household and asked the driver to turn off his offending stereo.

It was a game to this man in the car and the woman who confronted me on the street. I would head for the house.  Get half way there and the man would off the stereo. This routine was repeated this at least two more times before I realized that this was his sick little game. I was going to go up the the driveway and ask him the stop, but before I could a woman who stated she lived in the house confronted me  what occurred next was unnecessary and after many insults and threats of bodily harm from the woman, I ended up calling the police.

The officer arrived and I told his as best as I could the situation. The witnesses would not open the door to speak with him. No surprise there, since many of the people here are scare to stand up against these trouble makers. Nevertheless, the offending household just flat out accused me of causing the trouble. My so called crime, reporting to the police department their and others boom car drivers on the avenues loud and obnoxious steroes.

After explaining to the officer the truth of the situation, he said "it's okay to try an do the neighborly thing, but next time just call"  (the police department).

I had no wish to call the police department for every boom car driver on the avenue, but now they have left me no other option.

The entry below is from Monday's Athens Banner-Herald, a major newspaper in Georgia.


Blaring stereo lands three in jail

Story updated at 10:20 PM on Saturday, May 10, 2008

An officer stopped a car on Hawthorne Avenue on Thursday night because music
was blaring from it and found fake cocaine, beer and a pellet gun in the
car, Athens-Clarke police said.

Officers searched the car because it appeared the driver handed something to
a back seat passenger as the officer approached, and the officer saw an open
beer in the car, according to police.

Officers found a small amount of marijuana and bags of a white powder, which
tested negative for cocaine, along with a digital scale, police said.

One of the passengers, Terrance Lamar Briscoe, had a pellet gun that
resembled a .45-caliber pistol stuck in his pants, police said.

The driver, 23-year-old Courtney Antwon Arnold, and his passengers, Briscoe,
18, and Justin Lamar Arnold, 18, were each charged with possession with
intent to distribute an imitation drug and possession of a drug-related
object, police said.

Briscoe was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, police said, and he
and Arnold charged were with underage possession of alcohol.

Arnold was cited for violating the county noise ordinance and for driving
with a broken headlight, police said.

Published in the Athens Banner-Herald on 051008


Evelyn out.

Florida Announces Agreement With Facebook to Boost Social Networking Safety

Evelyn here,

with the latest news release from Attorney General Bill McCollun on the agreement with Facebook to improve Social Networking Safety.
Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
May 8, 2008

Florida Announces Agreement With Facebook to Boost Social Networking Safety

~ Company will join MySpace task force to explore possibilities of age and
identity verification technology ~

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum today
announced that Florida has joined 48 states and the District of Columbia in
an agreement with Facebook, a popular internet social networking site. The
agreement focuses on several changes Facebook will make to better protect
children from predators and inappropriate content and to participate in a
task force on implementation of age and identity verification software.

“All too often, children are careless about what they share with
strangers online, and we must continue working to protect our children from
predators who may exploit social networking sites to locate their next
victim,” said Attorney General McCollum. “I applaud Facebook for joining
the Attorneys General in our quest to improve internet safety.”

As a result of today’s agreement, Facebook has agreed to implement
several changes to its site, including a measure of protection to address a
behavior known as “grooming,” where predators lie about their age online in
order to seduce their victims. Facebook staff will review initial age
change requests and each requestor’s profile to determine whether the
requested change is appropriate for each user. Facebook will also more
prominently display safety tips; require users under 18 to affirm they have
read Facebook’s safety tips when they sign up; and regularly review models
for abuse reporting.

Additional changes will include the provision of automatic warning
messages when a child is in danger of giving personal information to an
unknown adult. The site will act more aggressively to remove inappropriate
content and groups from the site by maintaining a list of pornographic
websites and regularly sever any links to such sites. The site will also
remove groups and individual memberships for incest, pedophilia,
cyberbullying and other violations of the site’s terms of services.

The safety requirements will be extended to third party vendors and
companies offering Facebook user services, called “widgets.” These
companies will now have to implement and enforce Facebook’s safety and
privacy guidelines.

The Facebook agreement is similar to one MySpace reached in January
with 49 states and the District of Columbia. Under that agreement, MySpace
agreed to head a task force to explore and develop age and identity
identification tools for social networking sites. Facebook has joined this
task force and will participate in developing the internet safety


Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!