Saturday, May 3, 2008

Boom cars everywhere - Even in Pakistan

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

and the subject the title of this entry states boom cars are everywhere even overseas. Check our today's entry from BanBoomcars.
1.        Boom cars everywhere - Even in Pakistan Posted by: "BanBoomcars"   banboomers Fri May 2, 2008 4:08 pm (PDT)
"I get this ear-splitting music even at 2-3 o'clock in the morning," said
Ahmad. "Listening to music is one thing, but assaulting into another
person's ears with shrill roaring is just another"

Irksome noisy vehicles

Immediately after midnight, Murree Road dweller Ahmed Saleem jerks out of
his sleep by a booming noise roaring out from speakers attached to a car in
the adjoining street. He tried to get back to sleep but the beating music
kept thrashing in his ears. Placing a cushion over his head did not
facilitate either. It appeared the ground was trembling. Ahmad mutely wished
for the car to run off from his locality. It was not before a stabbing and
screaming half minute when the overexcited sound finally started moving and
gradually died out. "I get this ear-splitting music even at 2-3 o'clock in
the morning," said Ahmad. "Listening to music is one thing, but assaulting
into another person's ears with shrill roaring is just another," he said.
Numerous area residents share his logic of annoyance. "Many people drive
their cars in streets with stereos searing at full volume. They show little
consideration for others," said Nisar Begum, an Asghar Mall Scheme resident.
Several of these vehicles are tailored to high-end sound systems that make
even vociferous horns sound like a snivel. "I myself used to have a 500-watt
sound system in my vehicle, but I was constantly mindful of who could hear
my music. I would never turn it up so noisy that it may become irksome for
others," Nisar said. Experts regard loud vehicle stereos as one of the main
sources of noise pollution. "The most powerful sound we encounter is
amplified music. Just a lone exposure to such noise can damage our ears,"
says Naseer, Satellite Town resident. The environment conservation rules
specify the standard limit of sound in residential and commercial areas. The
standard is 50 decibels in residential areas at daytime and 40 decibels at
night. The standard unit in case of mixed area, meaning mainly residential
but also used for commercial and industrial purposes, is 60 decibels. Loud
vehicles stereos may exceed bothforms of decibel limits. They may raise the
decibel level up to 100. "Listening to loud music while driving can badly
obstruct reaction times and cause accidents. People may take up to 20
percent longer to execute physical and mental tasks when in contact with
shrill music," says Dr. Nusrat. Instantaneous or not, noise pollution has
serious effects both on the physical and mental health. Non-stop exposure to
noise damages one's hearing ability. The nosier the noise the less time it
takes to cause loss of hearing, he adds. "Loud music also pumps up the
adrenalin, which can lead to precarious driving and violent behaviour," Dr
Nusrat says. "It should be unlawful to drive a vehicle when the music is so
loud that the driver cannot hear another car's horn," says a traffic
sergeant. Nonetheless, loud car stereo lovers have different views. "It is
so unimportant and people who complain about them are just looking for
things to complain about," said Sahir Zahoor, an undergraduate student.
People should not waste time of policemen to stop cars with piercing music,
when there are far bigger concerns in the world we live in nowadays," he
said. "When somebody is playing his vehicle stereo it generally implies he
is driving and is not subjecting anyone to noise for more than 30 seconds.
If they are parked near your house, it might be a problem. But it's rare,"
he said. Condemning playing of stereos at high volume, Tahira Ikram, a
schoolteacher said: "I find vehicle stereos playing at full volume really
irritating." Traffic officials say the new trend has yet to become a major
issue. "Though loud vehicle stereos is not that widespread, it is still a
chief source of noise pollution. We will take actions against such car
drivers if we find them creating nuisance for others," they add. -Sanam

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