Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from today's Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update.


McCain could lose top fund-raiser in lobbying flap; Clinton-Obama financiers start merger talks



May 18, 2008 08:30 AM EST




Good Sunday morning. Mr. Meacham reminds us that Christians are celebrating Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost.

AP's Glen Johnson at 3:31 a.m.: "Out of immediate danger, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy remained hospitalized as doctors worked to determine what caused one of the nation's best-known senators to suffer a seizure in his Cape Cod home. ... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he spoke to Kennedy's wife in the afternoon and was told 'his condition is not life-threatening, but serious.' "

Politico's Martin Kady II: "News that the Massachusetts senator had been stricken dominated the cable networks throughout the day, with commentators reviewing his enduring public career. Ted Sorenson and other former aides to Kennedy's brother, the late President John F. Kennedy, offered overviews of Kennedy family history, and friends in the political world told stories from throughout his political career, spanning nearly five decades. In the Senate since 1962, Kennedy has become one of the leading surrogates for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination."

DRIVING THE DAY - Top McCain officials tell Politico that former Rep. Thomas G. Loeffler, a top fund-raiser who was named the campaign's 'general co-chair' in March 2007, is LIKELY to depart after Michael Isikoff reports on the campaign's new conflict-of-interest policy in "McCain vs. Lobbyists" in the new Newsweek:

"One top campaign official affected by the new policy is national finance co-chair Tom Loeffler, a former Texas congressman whose lobbying firm has collected nearly $15 million from Saudi Arabia since 2002 and millions more from other foreign and corporate interests, including a French aerospace firm seeking Pentagon contracts. Loeffler last month told a reporter 'at no time have I discussed my clients with John McCain.' But lobbying disclosure records reviewed by NEWSWEEK show that on May 17, 2006, Loeffler listed meeting McCain along with the Saudi ambassador to 'discuss US-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia relations.' "


Senator McCain delivers a mock address to the nation on last night's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, promising he has "the oldness it takes to protect America": "I'm John McCain and I approve this message. Good evening, my fellow Americans. I ask you, what should we be looking for in our next president? Certainly, someone who is very, very, very old."

SNL McCain on earmarks: "Most of these projects are, at best, unnecessary, such as $15 million to the U.S. Postal Service for a commemorative stamp honoring Tom DeLay's appellate lawyers. Whose idea was THAT? or this bit of pork, $160 million to the Department of Defense for developing a device that can jam gaydar."

WASHPOST 2-COL. LEAD, "Rival Camps Plan Inevitable Merger: Clinton, Obama Supporters Discuss Combined Effort to Win in November," By Matthew Mosk and Chris Cillizza: "Top fundraisers for Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have begun private talks aimed at merging the two candidates' teams, not waiting for the Democratic nominating process to end before they start preparations for a hard-fought fall campaign. ...

"[I]n small gatherings around Washington and in planning sessions for party unity events in New York and Boston in coming weeks, fundraisers and surrogates from both camps are discussing how they can put aside the vitriol of the past 18 months and move forward to ensure that the eventual nominee has the resources to defeat Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in November.

WashPost A8 on Tuesday night's Obama rally in Des Moines: "Obama advisers said Iowa is one of several states, along with Missouri, Michigan and Florida, that they have targeted for wins in November and where they plan to campaign even before his primary battle against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton ends. Obama made campaign stops in Missouri and Michigan last week and plans a three-day swing through Florida starting Wednesday."

Clinton officials plan to push back against the idea that Obama is "over the top" after Tuesday night, insisting the pledged-delegate pool must include Florida and Michigan.

Lanny J. Davis previews what the CLINTON CAMPAIGN can be expected to say on TV: "Note the bogus and hypocritical nature of Obama declaring victory on elected 'pledged' delegates while he opposed 'do-overs' by absentee ballots and firehouse locations in Michigan and Florida. Democracy is important in one venue (where it helps your chances) but not another (where it might hurt)."
***Add to your VP lists (near the top): Sam NUNN for the Democratic ticket and Tom RIDGE for Senator McCain.

A STORYLINE YOU'LL SEE A LOT IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS - Frank RICH has a drawing of atiny Senator McCain trying to outrun the looming shadow of President Bush - "McCain Can Run, But Bush Won't Hide: Imagine if Nixon had campaigned for Ford."

... Senator Clinton's sterile, clipped, pro forma statements about Senator Kennedy. After Senator Obama had appeared twice on camera to make comments of concern about "one of my favorite people," and Senator McCain had e-mailed a statement about the "legendary" lawmaker, Clinton - who was with reporters but didn't go on camera - finally put out bare-bones, 21-word "thoughts and prayers" statement.

At a later event, she said on camera: "We need a health care system that's going to take care of everybody. SPEAKING OF HEALTH CARE, we had word this morning that my good friend and a great champion of working people, Senator Ted Kennedy was rushed to the hospital with symptoms of a stroke, and our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, because he has been a champion for health care. Nobody has fought harder to make sure everybody got good health care. And I know that we all join together in wishing him well. But what Senator Kennedy believes and what I believe and what many others believe is that every American should be entitled to the same health care as your member of Congress is entitled to."

The Boston Herald cover: "TED K SCARE.'

RED SOX AND LEGAL SEA FOODS AT THE COMPOUND - The Boston Sunday Globe goes five columns, "Sen. Kennedy is hospitalized after suffering a seizure," with the subhed, "Not a stroke as first feared, his doctor says," with the sidebar, "Seizures can be sign, but long-term harm rare."

The paper also goes five columns with that grim Cape Code Times photo of Senator Kennedy being wheeled on a stretcher from a Hyannis ambulance to a waiting Medflight helicopter at Barnstable Municipal Airport for transport to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The N.Y. Times uses a shallow version 3 cols. on A21 satellite, A23 metro. From the Globe story by Peter Schworm and Matt Viser:

"The 76-year-old Democrat was talkative and joking with family members yesterday afternoon, friends and associates said. His condition was considered serious, they said, but he did not appear to be in imminent danger. 'Senator Kennedy was admitted to Massachusetts General todayafter experiencing a seizure at his home,' Kennedy's personal physician, Dr. Larry Ronan, said in a statement released last night. 'Preliminary tests have determined that he has not suffered a stroke and is not in any immediate danger. He's resting comfortably and watching the Red Sox game with his family. Over the next couple of days, Senator Kennedy will undergo further evaluation to determine the cause of the seizure, and a course of treatment will be determined at that time,' Ronan said.

"By last evening, the mood of Kennedy family and friends contrasted markedly to that of the morning, when he was stricken at his Hyannis Port compound at about 8:15 a.m., rushed first to Cape Cod Hospital, and then transported by helicopter to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. His children were urgently summoned to Boston. Telephone lines buzzed with politicians in Washington and Boston exchanging scraps of information, and television crews rushed to set up in the front drive of the hospital. ... [O]ne family associate said yesterday evening that Kennedy was alert and joking with family and was watching the Red Sox play the Milwaukee Brewers. They planned to dine on takeout from Legal Sea Foods in his room last night, the associate said."

McCAIN CLIMATE POSITION INFLAMES THE RIGHT - L.A. Times A1, "GOP struggles to reinvent without losing itself: The party agrees it must change or face catastrophe in November. But that's about all members can agree on," By Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten: "Republican strategists who once sought to annihilate McCain for his independence are now enthusiastically backing his candidacy, offering strategic advice and affirmation of his conservative credentials. They include Bush's former senior strategist, Karl Rove; and [Grover] Norquist, the anti-tax activist.

"Norquist acknowledges that McCain's approach to capping global warming emissions has inflamed some conservatives, calling it THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE DIVIDING THE PARTY NOW. More important than angering conservatives, Norquist says, is that McCain's position means 'he won't be able to draw a sharp contrast' with his Democratic opponent on this topic, and thus will miss the opportunity 'to do what Bush did to Gore: travel the coal states and tell workers that the Democratic candidate favors environmental rules that will cost you your job.' ...

"Economic conservatives believe McCain's so-called 'cap and trade' system is unworkable, violates free-market principles and would harm business interests. ... Late last week, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh castigated McCain for his 'embrace of a radical environmental agenda,' calling it a sign that the Republican Party 'is abandoning conservatism, abandoning those things and those people that made it victorious.' "

HIGH GAS PRICES COULD LAST AND/OR WORSEN - Chicago Tribune Page 1 lead story, "$4 a gallon not the end of rising gas prices: 'It's not going to be a 1-year blip and go away' ": "Drivers will likely need to become comfortable with gas at $4 a gallon, as oil experts say an era of historic pain at the pump will endure well beyond the Memorial Day weekend, when prices traditionally peak. ... Gasoline in the U.S. could reach $7 a gallon because more drivers in India and China will hit the road even as American oil consumption retreats, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce predicts. 'Millions of new households will suddenly have straws to start sucking at the world's rapidly shrinking oil reserves,' wrote CIBC analyst Jeff Rubin.

"The forces behind the oil boom include the emergence of China and India as economic powers, exhausted fields controlled by nationalized companies, and market speculation that could be pushing prices higher than supply and demand can justify. While industry insiders dispute how much each of these factors contributes to oil prices, many expect the high prices to last for years. ... Gas prices could sink below $3 a gallon this summer 'if all the stars align,' said Phil Flynn of Chicago's Alaron Trading. 'What goes up can come down a lot faster.' Though his contrarian view admittedly puts him 'out on a limb, Flynn said he expects a rebounding U.S. economy and an end to Federal Reserve interest-rate cuts to help boost the weak dollar."

SPORTS BLINK - Baltimore Sun, 133rd Preakness Stakes, "DOUBLE TIME: Big Brown rockets to a resounding win."

AP: "The 3-year-old with the perfect record heads for the Belmont Stakes in three weeks as the fourth horse this decade to try for the triple, a sweep last accomplished by Affirmed in 1978. The last to try was Smarty Jones in 2004. ... There have only been three Triple Crown winners."


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Evelyn out.

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