Sunday, May 18, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It has always been my concern that if allowed the families who once sold illegal drugs on our corners were again trying to cause confusion and distraction among those of us who are members of our neighborhood crime watch and our police department.  This concern has proven to be true. It has also been my concern that not all the boom car drivers out on our streets and among our children are innocent teens seeking a little fun and playing loud music. This also has been proven to be true.  It has been my concern that among those seemly innocent and fun seeking youths with their loud music are drug pushers. This has proven to be true.

The article about Lois Fisher in Freeport reminded me of myself. Like Lois, I was fed up enough to confront my neighbors after years of witnessing them selling of illegal drugs, hearing persistence their boom cars during the day, the night, and in the midnight hours. I like neither being a victim, nor being a witness to my others neighbors becoming victims. For years, we have suffered their slander, harassments, threats, destruction of property, and thievery.

Enough was enough, and to my naïve thinking, confronting these thuds seemed to only way get them to stop. My mistake, and the police officers are right. Never confront these thuds because they do not care about your discomfort with their music and you will only put yourself at risk. They will bait you into arguments, mess with your property, and attempt to lie to the police officers by accusing you of being the troublemaker. But, most of all, they will continue with their loud music for no other reason than to make you upset, and our present law is weak. This we must change.  

When dealing with these offenders do make the calls to the police department but be smart and remain safe. 


IT WAS THE THUMPING OF CAR STEREO SYSTEMS AT 3 A.M. THAT FINALLY GOT LOIS FISHER TO GIVE HER NEIGHBORS A PIECE OF HER MIND. Posted by: "BanBoomcars"   banboomers Fri May 16, 2008 3:49 am (PDT) It was the thumping of car stereo systems at 3 a.m. that finally got Lois
Fisher to give her neighbors a piece of her mind.


One woman takes aim


FREEPORT - It was the thumping of car stereo systems at 3 a.m. that finally
got Lois Fisher to give her neighbors a piece of her mind.

Fisher, 52, who lives on the busy corner of Float Avenue and Empire Street,
will often take on people in the streets during such hours, telling them to
"turn it down."

"To my husband's chagrin, I have no fear," Fisher said.

That's because she and her husband of 17 years, David, have seen more
playing out on their street than just loud music in the 2-1/2 years they
have lived there.

The Fishers have been involved in a Neighborhood Watch since last fall.
Based on the traffic, they believe that drug sales in their neighborhood
have increased. "I've witnessed the exchange of a small packet for cash,
yes, I've witnessed that," she said. "We got involved because there's
children in the neighborhood. The activity that was going on I thought was
detrimental to the children."

When they first got involved they distributed fliers throughout the
neighborhood for months, trying to get people to come to meetings. They work
with Third Ward Alderman Ronnie Bush and Fifth Ward Alderman Dennis Endress
in trying to keep the Watch active.

Dave said he's a little frustrated about not having signs up: He's heard
there are Neighborhood Watch signs for their neighborhood that have not yet
been erected.

They want them put in, he said.

"These are problems that didn't start overnight, and they don't end
overnight," Lois said.

While she gets on her younger neighbors, she hasn't done a face-to-face
confrontation yet, Lois admitted. Mostly, she'll holler from her porch,
asking them to turn down their music. "But all I have to do now is step out
the door and look at them and they turn it off," she said.

Sometimes people will stop on purpose in front of their home and try to rile
the Fishers, Dave said, by turning the music up louder or turning a pit bull

"That's what they try to do is intimidate me. I'm not going to be
intimidated, though," he said.

Stand Up

Lois said the citizens of Freeport have to do what the Fishers are doing:
Take a stand.

"Each individual person has to do it. The police department can only do so
much. I'm not encouraging anybody to be a vigilante or anything, but at
least be conscious of what's going on around you, know your neighbors know
what's going on and don't be afraid to act on it. I think that's the biggest
problem right now," she said. "People are afraid to act on it."

When they call police, particularly in the middle of the night, a lot of
police will show up, the Fishers say - sometimes the entire patrol force.
They'll break up fights and get the music turned down, but it doesn't always
end up in arrests, Dave said.

They also believe the police are watching certain homes.

"They're watching them, but still, nothing's being done," Dave said, adding
thathe knows he needs to be patient.

Freeport's Deputy Police Chief Robert Smith encourages residents to call
when they see potential illegal activity, but warns against personal

"I wouldn't encourage anybody to confront lawbreakers on their own. If they
see violations they should call the police and leave that to us. Generally
we're very diligent on sound amplification enforcement,
" Smith said.

And drug activities are being investigated all around town, Smith said.

"We have several investigations underway regarding drug sales and activity
on an ongoing basis," he said.


Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!