Sunday, July 30, 2006

Providence and Friends

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


I am a little late posting some of my entries but I am quite busy at times. On July 12, 2006, I joined some friends who took a group of teens to Celebration Station a combination arcade games palace and with bumpers rides and go carts which is geared around the interested of teens and youth adults. Celebration Station has two floors for fun games and can schedule private birthday parties. For those who love music there is a stage for live bands. 


My friends and I left St. Petersburg around 5:30 PM that Wednesday afternoon, and we arrived in Clearwater a little after 6:00 PM. It was a long but beautiful drive there and I resisted all urges to snap pictures all along the way. When we got to Celebration Station, we some entered a fairyland for teens. It offered outdoor fun and many of the teens in our group went on the go-carts, bumpers cars and we discovered that there was mini-golf course. For us less active participants, we found on the inside two floors of arcades games, good food aplenty and a stage for live band to entertain us music lovers


That night we were fortunate to catch a band named Providence. They are a group of four young guys who rocked Celebration Station with a new genre of music known a Scream, which I believe is also a form are hard rock but more understandable. This young band delighted me so that I soon found myself swaying, singing, and stomping to their beat along with the teens.


Above are some photos that I took of the Providence band and some of the members of the youth group and their leaders who attend the event. I also made a 3-minute video recording of the rock group, but I have not mastered how to post video, yet. Nevertheless, the video shows the band singing and the teens dancing and adoring. I also got a couple of good shots of Olivia from radio station 90.5FM, better known to us Christian rockers as Spirit FM. I decided to make a collage the the photos.  It is a really busy piece of work, and it took me quite a bit of time to make, but it is worth it.


For more on Celebration Station, and what more they offer click the link below.


They located at Celebration Station - 24546 Us Highway 19 N, Clearwater, FL - Tel: (727) 791-1799


You can also check out what other Christian’s events are happening through the Spirit FM link below or on the Favorite Link bar.


Evelyn out.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Welcome to SPPD - Our Local PD














Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Interested is knowing more about our local PD and its history?  Check out the link below, but keep in mind that this is the official site of the Saint Petersburg Police Department. So mind your Ps an Qs. This site, as well as the others on this blog, should be used as an informative and helpful life saving tool.

Evelyn out.

VOCA Awards $24 Millions to Florida's Victims of Crime Program.

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


Below is today’s  news brief from the Attorney General Charlie Crist speak on VOCA or Victims of Crime Act that grants federal funds for the use of those who are victims of crimes as and not excluding, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect , elder abuse and neglect, and hate crimes.


Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

News Brief
Date of release:   July 28, 2006


With so much attention focused on sensational crimes and the offenders
who commit them, it can be all too easy for innocent victims to be
forgotten. The Attorney General’s Office works tirelessly to make sure
this does not happen, as we recognize that victims are most deserving
of our attention.

This week, I was pleased to announce the awarding of more than $24
million to help Florida’s crime victims as they struggle to cope with
the unwanted turmoil thrown into their lives.

The money comes from the federal Victims of Crime Act, or VOCA, for
grants that provide direct services to help crime victims stabilize
their lives. VOCA was a byproduct of a task force created by President
Ronald Reagan, and for the past 22 years it has been an indispensable
resource for those who depend on the services it makes possible.

What kind of services does VOCA pay for? Everything from the cost of
medical care and rehabilitation to crisis prevention and funeral
expenses. VOCAsupports direct assistance to victims of sexual
assault, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, elder abuse and
neglect, drunk driving, robbery, hate crimes, identity theft,
kidnapping and terrorism, as well as to survivors of homicide victims.

In short, VOCA is a lifeline for crime victims and their families as
they struggle to move on with their lives.

Making life at least a little bit easier for crime victims has been a
priority of the Attorney General’s Office for these past 3½ years. Our
Division of Victim Services is staffed by more than 80 dedicated
public servants, including victim advocates located in 10 cities
throughout our state.

Since January 2003, the Attorney General’s Office has awarded 938
grants totaling more than $78 million to organizations that work to
improve the lives of crime victims. This year’s VOCA awards total
$24.3 million, distributed to private and public agencies in 60 of
Florida’s 67 counties.

Crime victims have already had their lives turned upside-down once. It
is essential that we do all we can to help them rebuild their lives,
so they aren’t victimized all over again. I am pleased that the
Attorney General’s Office is able to provide assistance to so many
important programs that offer support and comfort to the innocent
victims of crime.

Charlie Crist



Evelyn out.

Teen "Mule" Pleads Guilty

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


I believe it is very clear by now that I do not like the sell and/or use of illegal drugs.  I have never agreed with the use of marijuana for medical purposes and believed that much of its use has been discontinued and is being discontinued. In addition, from many of the entries I have placed on this blog it is plain to all that I am trying to stop the sell of drugs on the corner of my street. It is a revolting practice and it has destroys thousands and thousands of lives directly and indirectly. However, there are even shadier aspect to the illegal drug trade that is little talked about or known and that is the use of teenage boys and girls to carry illegal drugs from one location to another. As much as we try to protect our children from the use of the drugs, many of us seldom, if ever,  think that our sons or daughters may be transporting it. 


Today I learned that such teenagers are used routinely to transport illegal drugs, and that they are called “Mule”.  They have earned the name because they transport the drugs for the adult traffickers. How does this happen? One reasioon is that the teen is seeking what he or she think is quick and easy cash and lots of it. another is to become accepted among their peers (to have lots and lots of friends), and many do it because they are made to believe that one: they will not get caught and two: if caught the penalty is mild because of their youthful age.


From the June 12, 2006 new release below some teens are beginning to see that youth not is a deterrent to paying the price for breaking the law.  


Charlie Crist

Attorney General

News Release

Date of release:   June 12, 2006     


Lee County Teen Drug "Mule" Pleads Guilty



                TALLAHASSEE - Attorney General Charlie Crist announced today that a Lee County teenager pled guilty for his role in a drug trafficking ring. Jeremy Christopher Walker, 19, of Lehigh Acres, pled guilty to acting as a "mule," someone who simply transports the drugs for the traffickers.


                Walker was pulled over for speeding by authorities with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office during a routine traffic stop. He gave officers a false name and was arrested. Because he appeared visibly nervous, officers had a canine perform a "free air sniff" of Walker’s car and the dog alerted authorities to the trunk. A search of the trunk revealed 5.5 kilos of cocaine in a canvas bag, valued at $110,000. Walker admitted he was transporting the drugs from Miami to the Lee County area.


                "The lure of a big payday has led this teenager down a tragic path," said Crist. "This case sends a clear signal that even the lowest-ranking member of a drug ring can pay a heavy price."


                Walker was charged with one count of trafficking in cocaine – 400 grams or more, one count of driving with license suspended – third or more offense, and one count of giving a false name or identification to a law enforcement officer. He will be sentenced at a later date by Circuit Court Judge Thomas S. Reese. The case was prosecuted by Crist’s Office of Statewide Prosecution.



Evelyn out.

Volusia Man Sentenced to Twenty Years

Hello Everyone

Evelyn Here,

I have the final update on the case of the Volusia man who was charged and sentenced with operating a meth lab that supplies the illegal drug Ecstasy to the Tri-counties area of Volusia, Leon, and Flagler.


Charlie Crist

Attorney General

News Release

Date of release:   July 26, 2006      


Volusia Man Gets 20 Years for Ecstasy Drug Ring

                 TALLAHASSEE - Attorney General Charlie Crist today announced that a Volusia County man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty for his role in an Ecstasy trafficking ring. Michael Joel Lassiter, of Daytona Beach, was also ordered to pay a $50,000 fine for his role in the drug ring, which manufactured and distributed the drug in Leon, Flagler and Volusia counties.


                Lassiter, 51, was arrested last year after investigators with a tri-county drug task force discovered evidence that he and four accomplices were running an Ecstasy lab. Facing prosecution by Crist’s Office of Statewide Prosecution, Lassiter instead chose to enter a guilty plea last month.


                "Drugs like Ecstasy bring misery and harm wherever they go,” said Crist. “We will do all we can to stop those who manufacture and sell this poison in our communities.”


                At the time Lassiter and his associates were arrested, authorities seized more than 850 Ecstasy pills, worth approximately $17,000. The lab was the third Ecstasy lab in Florida to be shut down. In June, Lassiter pled guilty to trafficking in more than 10 grams of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy), a first-degree felony. Two of Lassiter’s co-defendants have already been sentenced, and a third is awaiting sentencing. The fourth co-defendant, Lassiter's daughter, is a fugitive.




Evelyn out.


Workplace: the Blacks and the Blues

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I just finished a hellish week. However, I must admit that I was not surprised by the outcome after having after reporting not just one but two co-workers for the same infraction. I then ended up listening to someone or another telling me that what I reported was not serious to them and that I should be careful not to become labeled as someone who is always complaining about their co-worker. Bravely, I made it clear that I have little to do with my co-workers because they started hazing me a month after I started working there and that I have watched them do the same to others and that some of those others have quit because of the treatment they received while trying work. 

I have survived because I put myself into my work, and I avoid much of what goes on around me. This does not mean I do not know what going. It only means that I have chosen not to involve myself after so many failed attempts at trying to “fitting in". I got to a place where it did not matter whether I was liked or disliked. What mattered was that I did my job each day and did it well. This I am please to say is exactly what I do – I do my job well. So when I know that my co-workers are turning their attention to me, I know it will be a matter of time afterward that they start to hazy and harassing me again. Generally, try to mess me up and then report that I am messing up. No friends there. Trust no one is the call of the day.

Also, and here is the kicker some of them read this blog. "Hello There! This is not a pretty picture of you is it? Keep in mean you provided the information for this entry. I just report it because that what I do as a writer. I report injustices.''

Anyway, I discovered that the duties that I now perform is neither one that is like nor respected by many of my co-workers.  Although I have been treated badly by some of my co-workers, it is not just me they do not like but also the duties I faithfully perform each day that is not likeable. However, to me the duties I perform seems to open me up to addition hazing, harassment, insults and others bias behavior wherever I attempt to get anything done which involves the assistance of one or more of myco-workers.

"It there anyone else who sees the injustice in this by-play I have with them?" 

Nevertheless, unlike the people I want to see stop selling illegal drugs on the corner where I live and can legally fight to see it stopped, I know that I have to get along with my co-workers. To do this, I do my work and avoid as much conflict as possible, especially when conflict of any form seems to be the order of the day.


As for my writing about what they put me through ---- well, I’m a writer.

Evelyn out.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Workplace Bullies Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I am repeating the entry on "Workplace Bullies".  The reason being is the I reported a co-worker who happens to also be a family  member of the troublemakers on that corner near where I live and where so much illegal drug activities occurs. 

It was retaliation time for this young woman and others who did not like the fact that I reported her, but it could have been anyone of them and the results would have been the same.

I did speak with my boss after a second incident occurred and impressed upon her that what I spoke of is not an isolation occurrence (internet security breach) and that I have been quiet about things say to me and what done to cause trouble. I believe the idea was to bring  me into the boss's office.  I faired well because I spoke the truth and stood by the truth of my words and experiences there.

I still have a job. However, the situation is stills serious ,and I hope that my superiors will try to stop the hazing and back-bitting that goes in there. I did make it clear that I am not working there to win any popularity contests and that I am more concerned about doing a god day's work than making friends. When I work this way this, I feel good about myself at the end of each day and looking forward to the next workday. Still, I still have  learned to trust my own judgment first an foremost.

I have a life outside of my work, and I enjoy it. I do not try to mix the two. So I clearly  do not need workplace bullies at any time or level.


Today has my fill of bullies and their bullying both with trouble makers outside my work place and those in my work place.  I spoke to a superiors about it today. I am possible to speak more on it tomorrow, but I really do not see the need.  It is clear on the job hazing and bullying. I stood up against this bullying more than once, but it is clear that these persons not only enjoy doing it, but that their ostracizing me, and than trying to bully me when I am only trying to do my job or go about daily life, shows me that they care nothing for my feelings or me as a person.

Since, I have an understanding of which I speak, I am adding the definitions of the two most forms of workplace bullying from Impact Factory.


Workplace Bullying - Intimidation, harassment, unfair criticism and blame, belittling sarcasm; being shouted at, ordered about, dismissed, singled out. All these are types of overt bullying.


Covert bullying, on the other hand, is less obvious. It can take the form of being overlooked for promotion, someone gossiping about you, being lied to or having information withheld. It can be as insidious as being manipulated into doing something you'd rather not, putting your desk in an awkward place, never inviting you to join the 'gang' for lunch or after work drinks at the pub, not being included in team activities. All things guaranteed to undermine confidence and self-esteem.


Evelyn out.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Rome Banner

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I have had a peaceful and productive weekend. I have relaxed, watched some TV, wrote a little (mostly on this blog), and created more banners.  I have posted large two banners based on the series Rome. I posted them this way to avoid losing detail and color which is a problem with posted graphics with a lot of dark reds.  

I did one banner with a black border and one without it. I also enlarged the banners on my previous posts.  However, all of the banners are best seen in their true size.

I am also thinking of adding more Xena fan fiction.  I have been thinking about some different directions in which to take the story and have almost settled on one.  I am little restless to begin writing on it.  When I do start writng on the story again my blog posting much will become less frequent unless something really important or very interesting happens.

I also plan on getting out of the house a little more. I am drenched in television series and need to see what happening in and around the city.

Well, it is after midnight, so I am off to dreamland.

Evelyn out.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

More XWP Banners




Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

yet again. The above banner features the same photo at the one post on entry #184. The diffence is that I added a border. I like both of them. I also enjoy working with color.

Evelyn out.


Xena Warrior Princess Banners




Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I believe it is a well known fact that I am a Xena Warrior Princess fan and a true Xenite. This being as it is I have recently developed a passion for making banners. Above is another example of one of my creations.  It is an update of the second banner that I posted. They are all made from screens-grabs of the series and are larger than what is shown on the page (1091x130 pixels). Banners are a lot of fun to make, but a lot of work also. Over the years, I have created wallpapers featuring Xena, Ares and the rest of the XWP's cast. However, I have not limited myself to the XWP series.

Evelyn out.


Hello Everyone

Evelyn Here,

I am ridiculously exited by the news of the upcoming Transformers movie that is due for release on July 4, 2007. Independence Day!

I know. I know. The film is based on a kids cartoon, but hey, I'm not a shame to say -- I watch! It’s an unbreakable habit that started when I was an unknowing innocent child. I just somehow drifted in front a television one day, and I've been hooked cartoons every since. Especially the actions ones.

I learned of the movie last Sunday when I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, and Superman Returns. Both are great movies and I will write something on them later, but now I want to speak about the Transformers. Like many others I became fascinated by the cartoon because the vehicles morphed or transformed into walking talking action robots; and with each trial they completed they transformed into  a level high inorganic object until the final transformation turned them into the representation of  organic beings or cybors, and then recreated Cyberon, their home planet.

Cool! Hey! Where's your inner child?

Anyway, I was sitting there in the theater watching the movies preview when suddenly this massive outer space scene appeared, and it was clear to all that something big and perhaps menacing was coming. Then there is this glimpse of Earth being approach by whatever is out there and the announcer said the hair-raising words, "It was the only warning they would ever get."

Hee, hee, hee, I just loved it, and I foolishly shouted a cheer is the theater. You know how you feel when you are the only one who cuts a laugh loose during a scene. Well, that was me, and I enjoyed it.

Okay, so I have gone through all this enthusiasm and not gotten to my main point and many of you are probably saying “So what? It’s another kid’s film. Wrong!” It is not just another kid’s film. It is the Transformers film of all Transformers film. It’s live action, man. Do they have a way to do it? Yes, way!

The question out there is . . . . “Where is she today?” Well, I here (though not in the flesh) and everything is fine. I just like the cartoon when it aired.

Transformers is directed by Michael Bay, Armageddon, and its executive producers and Papa of E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Steven Spielberg, There the link that lead to the official Transformers web site is located below. So to all you adult connoisseurs of fine vintage cartoons, check it out.

Evelyn out.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Great Friends

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I was once told for every bit of meanness done, there is a kindness.  TodayI believe this because I sorely needed the following message sent me by a friend. I am sharing it with you.




For all the negative things

we have to say to ourselves,God has a positive answer for each one...


You say: "It's impossible"

God says: All things are possible

(Luke 18:27)


You say:"I'm too tired"

God says: I will give you rest

Matthew 11:28-30)


You say:"Nobody really loves me"

God says:I love you

(John 3:16 & John 13:34)


You say:"I can't go on"

God says:My grace is sufficient

(2 Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)


You say:"I can't figure things out"

God says:I will direct your steps

(Proverbs 3:5-6)


You say:"I can't do it"

God says:You can do all things

(Philippians 4:13)


You say:"I'm not able"

God says:I am able

(2 Corinthians 9:8)


You say:"It's not worth it"

God says:It will be worth it

(Romans 8:28)


You say:"I can't forgive myself"


(1 John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)


You say:"I can't manage"

God says:I will supply all your needs

(Philippians 4:19)


You say:"I'm afraid"

God says:I have not given you a spirit of fear

(2 Timothy 1:7)


You say:"I'm always worried and frustrated"

God says:Cast all your cares on ME

(1 Peter 5:7)


You say:"I don't have enough faith"

God says:I've given everyone a measure of faith

(Romans 12:3)


You say:"I'm not smart enough"

God says:I give you wisdom

(1 Corinthians 1:30)


You say:"I feel all alone"

God says:I will never leave you or forsake you

(Hebrews 13:5)


Pass this on, you never know who may be in need of encouragement today! 


I do not know how my friends know when I need them, but they do and I feel blessed for having them.


Evelyn out.



Work Place Bullying

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Today Has my fill of bullies and their bullying both with trouble makers outside my work place and those in my work place.  I spoke to a supervisior about it today. I am possible to speak more on it tomorow, but I really do not see the need.  It is clear on the job hazing and bullying. I stood up against this bullying more than once, but it is clear that these persons not only enjoy doing it, but that their ostracizing me, and than trying to bully me when I am only trying to do my job or go about daily life, shows me that they care nothing for my feelings or me as a person.

Since, I have an understanding of which I speak, I am adding the definitions of the two most forms of workplace bullying from Impact Factory.


Workplace Bullying - Intimidation, harassment, unfair criticism and blame, belittling sarcasm; being shouted at, ordered about, dismissed, singled out. All these are types of overt bullying.


Covert bullying, on the other hand, is less obvious. It can take the form of being overlooked for promotion, someone gossiping about you, being lied to or having information withheld. It can be as insidious as being manipulated into doing something you'd rather not, putting your desk in an awkward place, never inviting you to join the 'gang' for lunch or after work drinks at the pub, not being included in team activities. All things guaranteed to undermine confidence and self-esteem


Evelyn out.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Darling Lucy - A Poem

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

It is amzing me what I am finding in my some of my old files.  Below is one of my attempts at writing ballads. I remember it hiiting my fuuny bone at the time that I first wrote it and it still does today.  It is caller, "My Darling Lucy".


My Darling Lucy


Where are you going, Lucy dear, Lucy dear?

O’ where are you going, my darling Lucy?

O’ I’m going to the fair, husband dear, husband dear.

I’m going to the fair, my darling husband.


What will you do there, Lucy dear, Lucy dear?

O’ what will you do there, my darling Lucy?

O’ I shall have my fortune read, husband dear, husband dear.

I shall have my fortune read, my darling husband.


Why must you go, Lucy dear, Lucy dear?

O’ why must you go, my darling Lucy?

O’ I wish to know my future, husband dear, husband dear.

I wish to know my future, my darling husband.


Shall I come along with you, Lucy dear, Lucy dear?

O’ shall I come along with you, my darling Lucy?

O’ no, I go to be alone, husband dear, husband dear.

I go to be alone, my darling husband.


I wish you would stay home, Lucy dear, Lucy dear.

O’ I wish you would stay, my darling Lucy.

O’ you want me to stay home, husband dear, husband dear.

Why do you want me to stay, my darling husband?


Because your lover won’t be there, Lucy dear, Lucy dear.

O’ your lover won’t be at the fair, my darling Lucy.

O’ what is this you say, husband dear, husband dear?

What is this you say, my darling husband?


I buried him in the field, Lucy dear, Lucy dear.

O’ I buried him in the field, my darling Lucy.

O’ I’m glad you enjoyed the tea, husband dear, husband dear.

I’m glad you liked the hemlock, tea, my darling husband.


                                                                     Evelyn F.AltheimerFain©ABallad10/30/95


Evelyn out.

P. S. This Lucy is fictional and not Lawless.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pride - A Poem

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

here is another short poem on the heart of a rejected old man who lets pride become his guide. This too I wrote three years ago. It it entitled "Pride".




The pride of a foolish old man

Is like a double edged sword.

One edge hoary and brittle,

And the other, bloody

And sharp.

One edge breaks easily

With the tiniest slight

And the other

Seeks revenge

with cold remorse.

Evelyn F. Altheimer-Fainã May 23, 2003



Evelyn out


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Below is a poem I wrote on love gone wrong and a bitter heart. I wrote it three years ago, and it is quite sad. The poem is entitled " The Love Thing".



Love is a funny thing,

Sometimes a “ha-ha” thing,

sometimes not.

When it is a “ha-ha” thing

we rejoice in it and feel

that we can fly without wings.

Yet, when love isn’t the “ha-ha” thing,

and continually bring pain, it is

then an ugly thing- a sinful thing,

a thing best left unnamed – unclaimed.

It can only brings about the wailing thing

that suffocates

the “ha-ha” thing  making it

an unloved love thing.


                            Evelyn F. Altheimer-FainãMay 8, 2003


Evelyn out.

Just A Little Wisdom From The Old, But Not So Old

Hello Everyone.

Evelyn Here,

Some years ago, and I do not remember exactly when, I started writing some short sayings on what

I believe be to some common actions and behaviors on how we relate to each other as a people. I wrote so many of  these short saying that finally I entitled them "Just A Little Wisdom From The Old, But Not So Old". and place them in a file of their own. I gave the sayings this name so not to be confused with any very wise and worldly ancients. Hee, hee, hee. 

Below is one of these sayings, and I was surprise about what it said after opening it since all  the sayings carry the same title.  However, I find this one appropriate because earlier someone tried to make my day miserable and failed but only succeed in causing others to become hurt.  Don't you just dislike people like that? So with them in mind, I give you . . .


Just A Little Wisdom From The Old, But Not So Old

It does not matter where you originally come from -- high or low. What matters is what you have done with what you have learned and how you have conducted yourself along the way. If you have misused all that was intended to make you a better person in the years allotted to you on this earth by harbor the same old thoughts and actions purely for your own advantage, and the disadvantage of another, then you are in the same place as you originally started, no matter where you heart lives today. 


       Evelyn F. Altheimer-Fain©August 23, 2003



Evelyn out.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Coral Paint Shop Pro X Promotional Special

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


Below is a link to a special offer for Coral Paint Shop Pro X at a price of $59.00. The sale of the graphic program is limited to three days and is offered only to people with the following link.  The offer is an approved campaign made by Mark Rathwell, Coral Paint Shop Pro Product Manager, and the Coral Corporation.


I am not new to Paint Shop Pro. I previously used an earlier version of the program for many years. Because I wanted a newer program that gave me advanced graphic effects as well as more creative control, I purchased Coral Paint Shop Pro X about a month ago. It is my first choice in graphic programs for working with digital photos, screen-grabs, and my scratch creations. It is a fantastic program and the tutorials make it fun and easy to learn and use. The results can be seen on this blog.


Normally, Coral Paint Shop Pro X cost about $119.00 in store and up to $199.00 online.



Below are a few links to some of my original art I did over the years.. There are others  posted throughout the blog.


Evelyn out.

Overall Crime Rates Lower Than Past Those Of The Last 35 Years

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Below is an except from the current issue of our "Attorney General's News Briefs", Charles Crist and dated July 14, 2006.  The topic of this excerpt is about the notable drop in overall crime in our state since last year. 

And now for a . . .


Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

This week I had the pleasure of joining Governor Jeb Bush and top law
enforcement officials in announcing that Florida’s crime rate has
reached its lowest point in 35 years.

The overall rate of index crimes was down 3.7 percent in 2005 compared
to the previous year, the lowest rate since 1971. Index crimes include
murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault and
specific other offenses.

Especially gratifying is the fact that both violent and non-violent
crimes declined last year from their 2004 levels. A wide range of
criminal activity had lower numbers, from murder (-6.9%) and rape
(-0.5%) to larceny (-2.1%) and car theft (-3.9%).

This long-term success is nothing short of extraordinary. Despite
population growth that has tested our ability to provide resources for
the fight against crime, Florida’s crime statistics have dropped for
14 straight years.

To put that all in perspective, consider this fact: The last time
Florida’s crime rate was this low, 43 percent of our citizens hadn’t
even been born yet.

The steady progress in our efforts to keep Floridians and visitors
safe has not occurred by accident. It is the result of a strong
commitment to the most fundamental of government’s duties - ensuring
the safety of the public.

The consistent success of our efforts can be traced back to 1995.
That’s the year the Legislature passed Stop Turning Out Prisoners, or
S.T.O.P., which forces inmates to serve at least 85 percent of their
sentences. I was proud to sponsor S.T.O.P. as a member of the Florida
Senate, and we were pleased to have the active and invaluable support
of then-private citizen Jeb Bush.

Four years later, Governor Bush championed and then signed the
10-20-Life bill, which established tough mandatory sentences for
crimes committed with a gun. Since 1998, the number of crimes
committed with a gun has dropped by 12.5 percent.

The state has also provided additional resources for law enforcement
and prosecutors to do their jobs. I share the pride of the employees
of this office to join with both law enforcement and prosecutors
throughout our state to carry out the mission of public safety.

The results of this comprehensive strategy are undeniable. Since 1995,
Florida’s crime rate has been cut more than 38 percent.

These numbers translate into more than 240,000 fewer serious crimes
per year. That means 240,000 fewer victims ... and 240,000 fewer
families suffering the impact of crime on a loved one.

It is important that we continue to come up with new approaches to
protect our innocent citizens. Our new Child Predator CyberCrime Unit,
for example, has already made an impact targeting vile crimes against
innocent children.

There is a great deal yet to be done, and too many law-abiding
Floridians are still being victimized by criminals. But by working
together, state and local authorities have made our state the safest
it has been in more than a generation.

Charlie Crist

Evelyn out.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hex Cancellation and Petition







HELLO Hello Everyone,


HELLO Evelyn Here,


After watching this week’s episode, Cursed on HEX I became interested in a new character named, Ella. Not knowing much about her, I went online to search for the episode guide to the show. Although I have not learned much about Ella, I have learned that the series that has been cancelled and the last episode aired on Sunday December 18, 2005. HEX originally aired on October 17, 2004

The series ran for only two seasons. Though many of the its fans considered Hex to be more daring in theme than Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it never got a real chance to develop its central theme to the fullest because it was so short lived.

Granted the religious overtones in Hex are starkly based of the “Book of Enoch”, which even to this day is considered by many the book of the dead or damned. Still the central theme of Hex is fresh and new. I think that ifthe series had not been cancelled it too would have risen in popularity as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

One bit of good news. There is a petition for a third season of HEX at the link below. Regardless of the series’ cancellation state, I will continue to enjoy the two seasons as they being aired now on BBC America. It can be seen every Thursday nights at 10PM. I will post all updates as they come.



HEX: Episode Guide


Thu, Jul 20, 2006    10:00 PM   HEX

Cassie is desperate and steals her baby back from Azazeal; however, the strategy does not go exactly as planned in this supernatural coming of age series.


 Fri, Jul 21, 2006    1:00 AM   HEX

Cassie is desperate and steals her baby back from Azazeal; however, the strategy does not go exactly as planned in this supernatural coming of age series.


Thu, Jul 27, 2006    10:00 AM  HEX

Ethereal beings are disturbing the campus so Ella and Thelma devise a plan involving Leon. Thelma makes a deal with Azazeal to see Cassie one more time in this supernatural coming of age series.


 Fri, Jul 28, 2006    1:00 am   HEX

Ethereal beings are disturbing the campus so Ella and Thelma devise a plan involving Leon. Thelma makes a deal with Azazeal to see Cassie one more time in this supernatural coming of age series.



Evelyn out.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Vobis quoque Brutus?

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


Today I received some sad news. On Wednesday, HBO announced that Rome, the series that so captivated many of us around the world with its intriguing and provocative twist on ancient Roman’s history, might not be returning after the conclusion of its second season. HBO’s Chairman and CEO Chris Albrecht is stated as saying that due the series location in a foreign county (Italy), Rome has become too large of a production undertaking. He also stated the decision had to do with the fact that the series started out as a miniseries under a two-year contract with the BBC and because of the high cost to product it, it would be difficult for the BBC to stay longer. Season Two of Rome is scheduled to start in January 7, 2007 (new 10-episodes).


The series starred Kevin McKidd as Lucius Vorenus, Ray Stevenson as Titus Pullo, Ciaran Hinds as Gaius Julius Caesar, Kenneth Cranham as Pompey Magnus, Polly Walker as Atia of the Julii, James Purefoy as Mark Antony, Tobias Menzies as Marcus Junius Brutus, Lindsay Duncan as Servilia of the Junii, Indira Varma as Niobe, Max Pirkis as Gaius Octavian and Kerry as Octavia of the Julii.


Evelyn out.


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Being a Catholic is truly a way of life.  Sometimes the struggle to maintain one faith is tested by the daily encounters we face, but if we are strong, we come throught the day with little or no lasting effect.

Then there are times when we comes face to face with the lighter side of our faith by something we do or by something another does for us.  Sometimes this something brings us closer in fellowship and understanding of the other, or it can simply makes us laugh and smile.

Today is one of those days where a friend reached out and made me laugh. So, I am now sharing the following joke with you.


A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and give a little speech at the dinner. He was delayed, so the priest decided to say his own few words while they waited.

"I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television set and, when questioned by the police, was able to lie his way out of it. He had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his employer, had an affair with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs, and gave VD to his sister. I was appalled. But as the days went on I knew that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people."

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk. "I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived," said the politician. "In fact, I had the honor of being the first one to go to him in confession."



Evelyn out.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Some truth About Marijuana- Killing the Myths

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

To show the importance of the prevention illegal drug sales and use as well as its dangers, I have added the following news release below which is entitled "Marijuana: The Myths Are Killing Us” issued by the DEA on April 26, 2006. The article is broken down into two parts and is as written with the exception of references that can be found on the link below.

Part One

News Release
April 26, 2005

The following appeared in the March issue of Police Chief Magazine, an official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police

Marijuana: The Myths Are Killing Us
By Karen P. Tandy, Administrator, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C., and Chair, IACP Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Committee

APR 26--When 14-year-old Irma Perez of Belmont, California, took a single ecstasy pill one evening last April, she had no idea she would become one of the 26,000 people who die every year from drugs.1 Irma took ecstasy with two of her 14-year-old friends in her home. Soon after taking the tiny blue pill, Irma complained of feeling awful and said she felt like she was "going to die." Instead of seeking medical care, her friends called the 17-year-old dealer who supplied the pills and asked for advice. The friends tried to get Irma to smoke marijuana, but when she couldn't because she was vomiting and lapsing into a coma, they stuffed marijuana leaves into her mouth because, according to news sources, "they knew that drug is sometimes used to treat cancer patients."2

Irma Perez died from taking ecstasy, but compounding that tragedy was the deadly decision to use marijuana to "treat" her instead of making what could have been a lifesaving call to 911. Irma was a victim of our society's stunning misinformation about marijuana-a society that has come to believe that marijuana use is not only an individual's free choice but also is good medicine, a cure-all for a variety of ills. A recent poll showed that nearly three-fourths of Americans over the age of 45 support legalizing marijuana for medical use.3

It's a belief that has filtered down to many of our teens, if what I'm hearing during my visits with middle school and high school students across the country is true. I'm amazed at how well versed in drug legalization these teens are. It is as if legalization advocates stood outside their schools handing out their leaflets of lies. Here is what students have told me about marijuana: "It's natural because it grows in the ground, so it must be good for you." "It must be medicine, because it makes me feel better." "Since everybody says it's medicine, it is."

Legalization advocates themselves have alluded to the fact that so-called medical marijuana is a way of achieving wholesale drug legalization. A few years ago, the New York Times interviewed Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Lindesmith Center, a drug policy research center. Responding to criticism that the so-called medical marijuana issue is a stalking horse for drug legalization, Mr. Nadelmann did not disagree. "Will it help lead toward marijuana legalization?" he asked. "I hope so."4

The issue of marijuana as medicine has captured the nation's attention and has now made its way to the U. S. Supreme Court, with Ashcroft v. Raich still pending.5 The natural extension of this myth is that, if marijuana is medicine, it must also be safe for recreational use. This pervasive mindset has even reached our courts. In January 2005, for example, Governor Frank Murkowski of Alaska had to ask the legislature "to overrule a court ruling that adult Alaskans have the right to possess marijuana for personal use in their homes."6 There was no pretense of medical use in this ruling; it gave Alaskans the legal right to smoke marijuana for any reason, lending credence to the belief that marijuana is not only safe to treat serious illness but somehow safe for general use and for all society.

What is the antidote? Spreading the truth. As a prominent spokesperson in your community, you have the opportunity and, I would argue, the responsibility to inform your neighbors. America is not suffering from anything that the truth can't cure. To help you set the record straight, this article seeks to rebut the rhetoric and recap the reality.

Myth: Marijuana is medicine.

Reality: Smoked marijuana is not medicine.
The scientific and medical communities have determined that smoked marijuana is a health danger, not a cure. There is no medical evidence that smoking marijuana helps patients. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved no medications that are smoked, primarily because smoking is a poor way to deliver medicine. Morphine, for example has proven to be a medically valuable drug, but the FDA does not endorse smoking opium or heroin.

Congress enacted laws against marijuana in 1970 based in part on its conclusion that marijuana has no scientifically proven medical value, which the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed more than 30 years later in United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, et al., 532 U.S. 483 (2001). Marijuana remains in schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act because it has a high potential for abuse, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and no currently accepted medical value.7

The American Medical Association has rejected pleas to endorse marijuana as medicine, and instead urged that marijuana remain a prohibited schedule 1 drug at least until the results of controlled studies are in.8 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society stated that studies done to date "have not provided convincing evidence that marijuana benefits people with MS" and does not recommend it as a treatment.9 Further, the MS Society states that for people with MS "long-term use of marijuana may be associated with significant serious side effects."10

The British Medical Association has taken a similar position, voicing "extreme concern" that downgrading the criminal status of marijuana would "mislead" the public into thinking that the drug is safe to use when, "in fact, it has been linked to greater risk of heart disease, lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema."11

In 1999 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) undertook a landmark study reviewing the alleged medical properties of marijuana. Advocates of so-called medical marijuana frequently tout this study, but the study's findings decisively undercut their arguments. In truth, the IOM explicitly found that marijuana is not medicine and expressed concern about patients' smoking it because smoking is a harmful drug-delivery system. The IOM further found that there was no scientific evidence that smoked marijuana had medical value, even for the chronically ill, and concluded that "there is little future in smoked marijuana as a medically approved medication."12 In fact, the researchers who conducted the study could find no medical value to marijuana for virtually any ailment they examined, including the treatment of wasting syndrome in AIDS patients, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy, or glaucoma.

The IOM found that THC13 (the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) in smoked marijuana provides only temporary relief from intraocular pressure (IOP) associated with glaucoma and would have to be smoked eight to 10 times a day to achieve consistent results. And there exists another treatment for IOP, as the availability of medically approved once- or twice-a-day eye drops makes IOP control a reality for many patients and provides round-the-clock IOP reduction.14 For two other conditions, nausea and pain, the report recommended against marijuana use, while suggesting further research in limited circumstances for THC but not smoked marijuana.15

Before any drug can be marketed in the United States, it must undergo rigorous scientific scrutiny and clinical evaluation overseen by the FDA. For example, the FDA has approved Marinol (dronabinol)-a safe capsule form of synthetic THC that meets the standard of accepted medicine and has the same properties as cultivated marijuana without the high- for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and for the treatment of wasting syndrome in AIDS patients.

The federal government has approved and continues to approve research into the possible use of marijuana as medicine and any new delivery systems of marijuana's active ingredients. To quote U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's remarks during the November 2004 Raich oral argument, "Medicine by regulation is better than medicine by referendum."16 Proving that the regulatory process does work, DEA has registered every researcher who meets FDA standards to use marijuana in scientific studies. Since 2000, for example, the California-based Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) has gained approval for 14 trials using smoked marijuana in human beings and three trials in laboratory and animal models.17 This CMCR research is the first effort to study the medical efficacy of marijuana. But researchers have not endorsed smoking marijuana and instead are attempting to isolate marijuana's active ingredients to develop alternative delivery systems to smoking.18 Not one of these researchers has found scientific proof that smoke marijuana is medicine.

Myth: Legalization of marijuana in other countries has been a success.

Reality: Liberalization of drug laws in other countries has often resulted in higher use of dangerous drugs. Over the past decade, drug policy in some foreign countries, particularly those in Europe, has gone through some dramatic changes toward greater liberalization with failed results. Consider the experience of the Netherlands, where the government reconsidered its legalization measures in light of that country's experience. After marijuana use became legal, consumption nearly tripled among 18- to 20-year-olds. As awareness of the harm of marijuana grew, the number of cannabis coffeehouses in the Netherlands decreased 36 percent in six years. Almost all Dutch towns have a cannabis policy, and 73 percent of them have a no-tolerance policy toward the coffeehouses.20

In 1987 Swiss officials permitted drug use and sales in a Zurich park, which was soon dubbed Needle Park, and Switzerland became a magnet for drug users the world over. Within five years, the number of regular drug users at the park had reportedly swelled from a few hundred to 20,000. The area around the park became crime-ridden to the point that the park had to be shut down and the experiment terminated.21

Marijuana use by Canadian teenagers is at a 25-year peak in the wake of an aggressive decriminalization movement. At the very time a decriminalization bill was before the House of Commons, the Canadian government released a report showing that marijuana smoking among teens is "at levels that we haven't seen since the late '70s when rates reached their peak."22 After a large decline in the 1980s, marijuana use among teens increased during the 1990s, as young people apparently became "confused about the state of federal pot laws."23 

Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!