Monday, July 24, 2006

Workplace Bullies Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I am repeating the entry on "Workplace Bullies".  The reason being is the I reported a co-worker who happens to also be a family  member of the troublemakers on that corner near where I live and where so much illegal drug activities occurs. 

It was retaliation time for this young woman and others who did not like the fact that I reported her, but it could have been anyone of them and the results would have been the same.

I did speak with my boss after a second incident occurred and impressed upon her that what I spoke of is not an isolation occurrence (internet security breach) and that I have been quiet about things say to me and what done to cause trouble. I believe the idea was to bring  me into the boss's office.  I faired well because I spoke the truth and stood by the truth of my words and experiences there.

I still have a job. However, the situation is stills serious ,and I hope that my superiors will try to stop the hazing and back-bitting that goes in there. I did make it clear that I am not working there to win any popularity contests and that I am more concerned about doing a god day's work than making friends. When I work this way this, I feel good about myself at the end of each day and looking forward to the next workday. Still, I still have  learned to trust my own judgment first an foremost.

I have a life outside of my work, and I enjoy it. I do not try to mix the two. So I clearly  do not need workplace bullies at any time or level.


Today has my fill of bullies and their bullying both with trouble makers outside my work place and those in my work place.  I spoke to a superiors about it today. I am possible to speak more on it tomorrow, but I really do not see the need.  It is clear on the job hazing and bullying. I stood up against this bullying more than once, but it is clear that these persons not only enjoy doing it, but that their ostracizing me, and than trying to bully me when I am only trying to do my job or go about daily life, shows me that they care nothing for my feelings or me as a person.

Since, I have an understanding of which I speak, I am adding the definitions of the two most forms of workplace bullying from Impact Factory.


Workplace Bullying - Intimidation, harassment, unfair criticism and blame, belittling sarcasm; being shouted at, ordered about, dismissed, singled out. All these are types of overt bullying.


Covert bullying, on the other hand, is less obvious. It can take the form of being overlooked for promotion, someone gossiping about you, being lied to or having information withheld. It can be as insidious as being manipulated into doing something you'd rather not, putting your desk in an awkward place, never inviting you to join the 'gang' for lunch or after work drinks at the pub, not being included in team activities. All things guaranteed to undermine confidence and self-esteem.


Evelyn out.


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