Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
Tonight, I witnessed the people on the corner out there with passing cars. I have seen them do this twice more in the last two weeks. I believe they are selling illegal drugs and that some equally bad residents are trying to protect them. I am not sure if these other residents get a share in the illicit product made form the sell of those drugs or if they think they can intimidate all residents who do not want the illegal drugs sold on that corner.
I have also reported the pushers tonight, and have been told by a member of the police department that when I see their activity again to call and that a police officer would be sent. I am not satisfied with this solution.
These are drug pushers and have had their way for at least the last three years unmolested by anyone because the other people here were either afraid to report the pushers or they just did not care. The pushers know that they are being watched and i have seen then hide in the shadows in from their house and behind the cars on the lot, and only show themselves when a car approached and stops on that corner.
These pushers are bad and they have not been dominate in my live. They have tried many dirty to stop me from reporting them, but what they are doing is illegal and their are noting the evil drug pushers who have torn ed this neighborhood and much of city a part seeking protect their illicit trade and hush anyone who dislikes and attempts the stop them from selling the drugs. their efforts has done noting, but more and more people are aware of the fact that the pushers are out out at night.
It is always the same households on this avenue and they do use third parties (people unknown to me who try to make trouble for me and my family). Just recently I learned first hand and from a couple of their third members that they are still seeking revenge for my getting a two-year restraining order on a member of their extended family. they were twisting the the truth and I suspect that this is how they stirred up as much trouble as they have only the years. I can only imagine what was said out here, but I am also aware that people are beginning see the truth in what my family and I have been through with these pushers. However, I am fighting back and will continue to do so.
I for one want a quieter and drug free area to live in.
Evelyn Out.