Hello Everyone,
Evelyn Here,
I have had a peaceful and productive weekend. I have relaxed, watched some TV, wrote a little (mostly on this blog), and created more banners. I have posted large two banners based on the series Rome. I posted them this way to avoid losing detail and color which is a problem with posted graphics with a lot of dark reds.
I did one banner with a black border and one without it. I also enlarged the banners on my previous posts. However, all of the banners are best seen in their true size.
I am also thinking of adding more Xena fan fiction. I have been thinking about some different directions in which to take the story and have almost settled on one. I am little restless to begin writing on it. When I do start writng on the story again my blog posting much will become less frequent unless something really important or very interesting happens.
I also plan on getting out of the house a little more. I am drenched in television series and need to see what happening in and around the city.
Well, it is after midnight, so I am off to dreamland.
Evelyn out.